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Party Gaming and bwin Announce More Merger Details

Party Poker and bwin To Retain Brands When Companies Merge


bwin CEOs Norbert Teufelberger and Manfred Bodner

Party Gaming Plc and bwin Interactive Gaming have announced further details of their proposed merger in the first quarter of 2011.

The key information for poker players is that both Party Poker and bwin will retain their own brands post-consolidtion and the new company, to be named Digital Entertainment, will be headquartered in Gibraltar.

Norbert Teufelberger, Co-CEO of bwin siad, “The online gaming industry is going through a phase of consolidation, making market players’ size and geographic diversification more crucial than ever.

“The new company will operate worldwide with its existing brands under the name of digital entertainment plc, in which current bwin shareholders are expected to hold 51.7 per cent of the shares and current PartyGaming shareholders 48.3 per cent. “Our products and target markets complement one another perfectly, and we can continue to expand our technology lead in all key product segments: sports betting, poker, casino, bingo and games.”