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Dan 'jungleman12' Cates Denied Entry into Canada

Former Online Pro Looking to Relocate to Resume Online Play


Dan Cates

Former nosebleed regular Dan “jungleman12” Cates was denied entry into Canada late last week, according to his Twitter account.

He began his mission of relocating to play on PokerStars, just like fellow nosebleed regular Phil Galfond had done previously, by Tweeting on July 26th: leaving for Vancouver tomorrow, time to crush online again :)

Leaving from Seattle, Cates eventually got to the border and wasn’t allowed in. He Tweeted: Apparently I need a visa to play poker for a living in Canada? Wtf? Anyone know about the immigration laws here?

With the efforts failed, Cates Tweeted on Friday that he is probably going to find a different country to move to and that he will likely consult with a lawyer first.

According to the Canadian Citizenship and Immigration website, working temporarily in the country can be done by applying for a permit.

Below are the basic steps:

  • Check the application processing times.
  • Obtain an application package.
  • Determine where you will submit your application.
  • Determine if you need a passport and a temporary resident visa.
  • Pay the correct processing fee.
  • Submit the application form.