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Epic Poker League Puts Chino Rheem on Probation

Poker Pro Violated League's Code of Conduct


Chino Rheem

The Epic Poker League has put its inaugural $20,000 main event champion, Chino Rheem, on probation for violating the league’s Code of Conduct, after allegedly failing to pay back debts owed to other poker players.

According to a press release, the EPL acknowledges that Rheem’s “financial obligations incurred prior to the League’s formation,” but claims that they impacted league play.

The committee which handed down the disciplinary action consists of the following: Stephen Martin (chairman), tournament director Matt Savage, poker players Eric Baldwin, Andy Bloch, Chad Brown, Joseph Hachem, Michael McDonald, Nick Schulman, Alec Torelli, and league commissioner Annie Duke, who is a non-voting member.

Neither the EPL’s Standards & Conduct Committee or Rheem, who took $1 million for the win earlier this month, could be reached for comment.

Below is the complete press release from the EPL

As of today’s date, the Standards & Conduct Committee has voted to place Epic Poker League cardholder David “Chino” Rheem on probation subject to the rules and procedures governing the conduct of Epic Poker League members as a result of ongoing personal financial obligations incurred prior to the League’s formation but impacting the League during the Inaugural Epic Poker Main Event. The terms of Mr. Rheem’s probation, designed for the Committee to effectively monitor the personal conduct of Mr. Rheem as he works to meet his personal financial obligations as required under the Players’ Code of Conduct, are as follows:

1. Mr. Rheem’s probation will remain in effect until Mr. Rheem has satisfied his pre-‐league formation financial obligations.
2. Mr. Rheem must continue to proactively repay his outstanding debts by, from this point forward, using any and all proceeds Mr. Rheem personally receives from personal poker winnings worldwide to satisfy all of his remaining financial obligations in an orderly fashion.
3. Any new violation of the Epic Poker League rules (including the Players’ Code of Conduct) or the law by Mr. Rheem — now that the Epic Poker League play has been initiated — will result in an immediate suspension of Mr. Rheem’s League card and eligibility to participate in Epic Poker League events.
4. In reaching its decision, the Committee recognized that Mr. Rheem used best efforts and all of the proceeds he personally received from winning the Inaugural Epic Poker league Main Event to partially satisfy outstanding financial obligations. Mr.Rheem must continue to demonstrate this commitment to honoring all of his financial obligations.

Effective August 18, 2011
Signed, Stephen Martin, Chair, Standards & Conduct Committee