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Illinois Governor Rejects Gambling Expansion Bill

Gov. Pat Quinn States That Proposal Lacked "Comprehensive Regulatory Oversight"


Gov. Pat Quinn

On Tuesday, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn rejected a bill that would expand gambling in the state to include a new land-based casino, four new riverboat casinos and allow existing racetracks to install slot machines.

Quinn believed that the proposal lacked sufficient regulatory language and stated that the bill had an “absence of strict ethical standards and comprehensive regulatory oversight.”

He added, “Illinois should never settle for a gaming bill that includes loopholes for mobsters.”

Though Quinn has vetoed the measure, Rep. Lou Lang, the bill’s sponsor, believes that there will be enough votes from the House this fall to override the Governor.

The bill would have created a casino in Chicago and added riverboat casinos in Danville, Rockford, Park City and another undecided location. Supporters believe that gambling expansion will bring in upwards of $1 billion a year and create more than 100,000 jobs.

In 1990, the Illinois General Assembly passed the Riverboat Gambling Act. There are currently 10 different riverboat casinos in the state.