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Furious Over Ruling, Daniel Negreanu Goes All-In Blind Out Of Protest During Poker Tournament

Hand Was Declared Dead Thanks To 'First Card Off The Deck' Rule


Poker pro Daniel Negreanu “just literally quit” a €10,000 buy-in poker tournament.

At the European Poker Tour stop in Barcelona today, Negreanu was involved in a dramatic debate over a controversial new rule recently adopted by the Tournament Directors Association.

Negreanu was in the small blind and posted it, but wasn’t in his seat when the dealer dealt the first card off of the top of the deck. Negreanu’s hand was instantly mucked. The floor came over and eventually determined that the dealer made the right decision based on the rules on the book. Negreanu was furious and continued to plead his case.

When it wasn’t overturned, he announced that he would go all-in blind the next hand.

The whole situation apparently stems from some discrepancy on where precisely the player must be when the first card is dealt. The rule states “at” his or her seat means “within reach.” According to reports, Negreanu was standing reasonably close behind it.

Negreanu did in fact shove blind the next hand and was eliminated.

The Tournament Directors Association made the “first card off the deck” rule official after the summer World Series of Poker. It’s unclear which tours will end up using it.

In response to Negreanu’s series of Tweets, some in the poker community voiced their support for his argument. One of them was fellow Team PokerStars Pro Jason Mercier.

The European Poker Tour is sponsored and part owned by PokerStars.

Despite the appearance that Negreanu was right, not everyone thought he handled it well.

Negreanu took to blogging about the incident afterward, elaborating on his position and the rule itself, while also admitting that he behaved poorly.

“I lose it a little bit and react in anger. I decide I just don’t want to be there anymore[…]Now, my reaction is silly and I realize this. I allowed myself to let anger consume me and cause me to make a silly decision. I can live with it, but I’m not at all claiming I handled the situation properly. The hand I had mucked was irrelevant to me, it was K-T off suit, it was just the point.”

Tags: Negreanu