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Poker Hand Of The Week: 3/6/14

You Decide What's The Best Play


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Ask any group of poker players how you played your hand and they’ll come up with dozens of different opinions. That’s just the nature of the game.

Each week, Card Player will select a hand from the high-stakes, big buy-in poker world, break it down and show that there’s more than one way to get the job done.

The Scenario

There are 43 players remaining in a big buy-in tournament and you are already in the money. With a stack of 123,000 and blinds of 4,000-8,000 with a 1,000 ante, you have 15 big blinds and are among the bottom half of the players on the leaderboard.

A player with 258,000, or 32 big blinds, raises to 20,000 in middle position. You look down at AClub SuitASpade Suit in the cutoff and decide to just call. The flop comes down 10Club Suit9Spade Suit3Heart Suit and your opponent checks.

You bet 32,000 and your opponent calls. The turn is the 8Diamond Suit and once again, your opponent checks. You have 70,000 remaining.

The Questions

Do you check or bet? If betting, how much? If checking, what is your plan on the river? What river cards would concern you? What kind of hand is your opponent holding after check calling the flop? Do you regret not three-betting preflop?

Jason Mercier

What Actually Happened

With just 70,000 remaining in his stack at the 2014 WPT L.A. Poker Classic main event, Jason Mercier opted to move all in holding AClub SuitASpade Suit on a board of 10Club Suit9Spade Suit3Heart Suit8Diamond Suit.

His opponent, Kumar Parminder, snapped him off with QSpade SuitJDiamond Suit for a turned straight. The meaningless river card was the QClub Suit and Mercier was eliminated in 43rd place for $26,660.

Parminder was eliminated later in the day in 32nd place, earning $31,270.

What would you have done and why? Let us know in the comments section below and try not to be results oriented. The best answer will receive a six-month Card Player magazine digital subscription.