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Poker Hand of the Week: 8/7/14

You Decide What's The Best Play


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Ask any group of poker players how you played your hand and they’ll come up with dozens of different opinions. That’s just the nature of the game.

Each week, Card Player will select a hand from the high-stakes, big buy-in poker world, break it down and show that there’s more than one way to get the job done.

The Scenario

It’s day 1 of a $1,500 buy-in regional tournament. The payouts have just been announced, but you are still at least a day away from the money bubble. With 87,700 in chips, you are among the chip leaders. The blinds are currently 400-800 with a 100 ante, giving you just under 110 big blinds to work with.

The other big stack at the table, a player with 66,100, raises to 2,000 in middle position. You look down at 8Spade Suit5Spade Suit in the cutoff and make the call, as does the big blind. So far, you don’t have much information on the preflop raiser, but you don’t mind taking a flop in position with a wide range of hands.

The flop comes down 8Heart Suit7Heart Suit5Heart Suit, giving you two pair. The big blind checks and the original raiser bets 5,000. The pot size is currently 12,300.

The Questions

Do you call or raise? If calling, what kinds of cards do you not want to see on the turn? If raising, how much? Are you raising for value or to shut out any possible draws? Are you worried about the turn killing your action or giving your opponent the best hand? What kinds of hands can your opponent be holding that you can extract value from?

Austin LewisWhat Actually Happened

At the Card Player Poker Tour Choctaw main event, facing a bet of 5,000 from Dan Lowery, Daniel Snowden just called with his 8Spade Suit5Spade Suit on a board of 8Heart Suit7Heart Suit5Heart Suit. The big blind folded.

The turn was the 6Diamond Suit and both players checked. The river was the 3Diamond Suit and Lowery bet another 5,000. Snowden quickly called and his two pair took down the pot, besting Lowery’s KClub SuitKSpade Suit.

Lowery was eliminated short of the money and Snowden went on to finish in 15th place, earning $11,138. The eventual winner was Austin Lewis, who banked $183,025 for topping the field of 599 players.

What would you have done and why? Let us know in the comments section below and try not to be results oriented. The best answer will receive a six-month Card Player magazine digital subscription.