Poker Pros Dominating In Human Vs. Machine MatchDoug Polk Leading Humans Against 'Claudico' |
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Through the seventh day of the Brains Vs. AI match run by Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science, poker pros Doug Polk, Bjorn Li, Dong Kim, and Jason Les are up a combined 458,902 against the poker bot named “Claudico”.
It has so far been pretty easy for the team.
Polk is leading the way for the team with 400,000 in the black against the machine. Li is up 272,000 and Kim is up 14,000. Les is in the red 228,000.
The game is heads-up no-limit hold’em. Each hand starts with the competitors having 200 big blinds. Blinds are 50-100. If the team of pros is winning after 80,000 total hands, they each will collect $100,000. The chips being bet don’t have a dollar value.
As of Monday morning, less than 50 percent of the 80,000-hand requirement had been logged. On Monday morning, Polk sat down to log another session against Claudico. It was airing basically live (a 30-minute delay) via Twitch throughout the day.
Watch live video from Claudico_vs_DougPolk on
The matches are being played at Rivers Casino Pittsburgh.
Claudico is the latest in a long line of ventures into solving no-limit Texas hold’em. Card Player talked at length to Tuomas Sandholm, a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon who has led development of Claudico. Sandholm previously worked on the bot Tartanian7.
Heads-up no-limit hold’em, Sandholm said, has 10^161 situations, or information sets, that a player may face—vastly more than all of the atoms in the universe. By contrast, the game of limit hold’em, has only 10^13 information sets.
Claudico has been programmed to be able to adapt to the game while it’s going on.
You can follow the event on Twitter with #BrainsVsAI. Action will conclude on May 8.