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Anti-Online Poker Lawmaker's Odds Of Party Nomination Hit Huge After Debate

Lindsey Graham Went From 50/1 To 250/1


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Though it isn’t actually taking action on the outcome, the sports book at South Point casino in Las Vegas has set lines on individuals getting the Republican party nod in the run for the White House next year, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

There was a key debate in Cleveland, Ohio on Thursday, resulting in a number of big changes for some hopefuls. However, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush still remains the 2/1 favorite to get the nomination.

On Aug. 5, anti-online poker lawmaker Lindsey Graham, a Senator from South Carolina, was 50/1 to get the party’s nod, but now he sits at 250/1.

Graham introduced legislation in June to ban online poker nationwide.

The candidate who had the best result from the debate was former business executive Carly Fiorina, who went from 100/1 to 50/1 after her performance.

Here’s a look at South Point’s odds for each candidate

Odds to win 2016 Republican presidential nomination