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Poker Pro Phil Hellmuth: Presidential Candidate Donald Trump The 'Ultimate' LAG

14-Time Bracelet Winner Says You Can 'Harpoon' Trump


2006 World Series of Poker main event champ Jamie Gold already weighed in on the presidential race on Fox News, and now the 1989 winner is giving his thoughts on the situation as November approaches.

In an interview with TheStreet, 14-time WSOP bracelet winner Phil Hellmuth said that Donald Trump, a former casino owner in Atlantic City, is the “ultimate loose-aggressive player.”

“When you’re playing against a loose-aggressive player, think of a harpoon,” Hellmuth said of how you defeat someone who plays poker like Trump does politics. “You nail them with a harpoon, on one big pot for all their chips. They’re a big target, and Trump is a big target.”

As the party nomination process draws to a close, Trump has remained the favorite to get the GOP nod and go heads-up against former First Lady Hillary Clinton.

Apparently the comments about Trump created a blacklash of sorts for Hellmuth, who later Tweeted: “I’m not against [Donald Trump], just noticed the parallels between him and a loose-aggressive poker player.” Hellmuth did say Trump is “so smart” and “resilient.”

As we all know, being called a LAG isn’t necessarily a bad thing. LAGs are sometimes pretty profitable in poker, as Card Player columnist Ed Miller described in an article last year.

Still, Trump is considered a huge underdog against Clinton as it stands right now. Trump’s views on minorities have led to members of his own party criticizing him. Last fall, allegations surfaced that black casino employees were made to hide from view when the billionaire was around.