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bwin Poker Revenue Up 26 Percent for 2009

bwin Financial Results Confirm Anticipated 2009 Figures


bwinbwin today announced its financial results for the full year and fourth quarter of 2009. The results were pretty much in line with expectations with gross poker revenue for the full year up 26.1 percent to €118.8 million from €94.2 million in 2008.

Of this, Gioco Digitale, the Italian poker operator which bwin bought last year, contributed €12.8 million.

Full year net gaming revenues for poker were up 10.5 percent to €89.5 million, but excluding Gioco Digitale, this increase was just 2.8 percent.

Fourth quarter 2009 gross gaming revenues from poker jumped 35.8 percent to €37.6 million from €27.7 million in 2008, while fourth quarter net gaming revenues from poker were €28.1 million up 22 percent on the €23 million recorded in the same period of 2008.

The number of active poker customers at bwin in 2009 jumped 55 percent to 1.05 million from 678,409 a year earlier. In the fourth quarter the number of active customers grew 49 percent to 561,000 compared to 376,092 in the same period of 2008.

bwin is well positioned to profit from the further growth of the Italian online gaming market, especially as online cash games are set to be approved in Italy within the first half of this year.