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Buy-In: $1,000 + $100
Prize Pool: $357,930
Entrants: 369

$1,100 Main Event ($300K Guarantee)

  • May 24, '13 - May 29, '13


Updates on Day 1B (May 25, 13)


Devron Miller Leads 29 Remaining Players From Day 1B

Chip leader Devron Miller

Day 1B of the Card Player Poker Tour Bicycle Casino main event drew 122 players, bringing the total number of entrants for the first two starting days to 231. With an even better turnout expected for Sunday’s start, this stop on the Card Player Poker Tour will almost certainly eclipse the $300,000 guarantee with ease.

The $1,100 buy-in tournament began at 1 p.m. and lasted until 2:30 a.m. After 12 levels of play, just 29 players remained. Those players will combine with the rest of the field on Monday for day 2.

Leading the way is Devron Miller with 353,100. Miller spent much of the day as either the outright chip leader or one of the top few stacks, but he solidified his lead on one of the final hands of the night when he played a huge pot with one of the other top stacks in the field Brian Patrick. Miller moved all-in over a 104,000 check-raise from Patrick on a JDiamond Suit7Spade Suit3Club Suit flop, and took down the gigantic pot after Patrick folded following several minutes in the tank. Patrick still ended the day as the second largest stack with 268,400.

Other large stacks from day 1B include Duey Duong (260,700), Andy Phan (194,200), Angelo Roy (194,500) and Phong “Turbo” Nguyen (151,900).

Notable players who played day 1B but didn’t survive include recently crowned WPT Player of the Year Matt Salsberg, 2007 WPT L.A. Poker Classic main event champion Eric Hershler, Dana Kellstom and Live At The Bike commentator and Card Player columnist Bart Hanson.

Here is a look at the chip counts at the end of day 1B:

Rank Player Chip Count
1 Devron Miller 353,100
2 Brian Patrick 268,400
3 Duey Duong 260,700
4 Angelo Ray 194,500
5 Andy Phan 194,200
6 Andy “Shooter” Stracuzzi 186,000
7 Rob McVeigh 158,800
8 Phong “Turbo” Nguyen 151,900
9 Pogos Simityan 149,300
10 Jay Ishimaru 138,300
11 Victor Kruglov 136,200
12 Eric Semel 134,500
13 Kirk Drickman 122,000
14 Stan Hackett 120,100
15 Ron Miller 114,400
16 Vadim Baranovsky 114,100
17 Jeff Potts 108,000
18 Shahram Shahriani 107,800
19 Vikaas Sharma 105,100
20 Ahmad Hooshmand 98,400
21 Bruce Kramer 90,000
22 Stephanie Donahue 89,500
23 Diana Yang 74,000
24 Matt Rolph 62,100
25 Philip Hwang 54,300
26 Ryan Russ 40,900
27 Syed Kadri 28,000
28 Jonathan Stabb 13,200
29 Richard Baroukh 11,600

Big Stacks Clash: Patrick vs. Miller

Two of the top three stacks in the field on day 1B played a huge pot with minutes left in the final level of the night.

Devron Miller raised to 5,000 and Brian Patrick reraised to 13,500. Miller thought it over for a moment before calling.

Brian Patrick

The flop brought the JDiamond Suit7Spade Suit3Club Suit and Patrick checked, prompting Miller to fire out a sizable 45,000 chip bet. Patrick check-raised to 104,000. Miller moved all-in for 216,300 total.

“How much is it?” asked Patrick.

“A lot,” answered Miller.

Patrick went into the tank, clearly agonizing about the decision. “This would be a crazy call.”

After several minutes, his thinking out loud changed course slightly.

“I could come back with a lot… I played so well all day.” After a few more minutes he eventually folded.

Miller climbed into the outright chip lead for the day with 368,600 while Patrick fell to 268,400 to end the day.

Player Tags: Brian Patrick,   Devron Miller

Turbo Sweating The Satellite

Phong Nguyen

Despite being one of the larger stacks late on day 1B, Phong “Turbo” Nguyen’s focus isn’t entirely on the tournament at hand. In fact, between hands he is rushing across the room to check on his wife Linda, who is on the bubble in the $150 mega satellite into day 1C.

Player Tags: Phong Nguyen

Field Update

There are currently 30 players remaining as the end of day 1B nears, meaning that just under a quarter of the 122 players the began the day are left.


Duey Duong Eliminates Nika Futterman

Duey Duong

An early position raiser opened for 4,000 and Nika Futterman moved all-in for roughly 30,000. Duey Duong announced a call and the initial raiser folded.

Duong: 5Spade Suit5Heart Suit
Futterman: KDiamond SuitQDiamond Suit

The board ran out JSpade Suit5Club Suit2Diamond Suit9Club Suit9Spade Suit to give Duong a full house and the pot, while Futterman was sent to the rail.

Player Tags: Duey Duong

Level 12

For the final level of the night blinds have increased to 800 / 1600 with a 200 ante.


Andy Phan Wins a Big One

Andy Phan

With a flop of 7Spade Suit4Club Suit3Heart Suit Diana Yang bet 25,000 into an already sizable pot. Andy Phan called and the turn brought the 4Spade Suit. Yang bet out 20,000 and Phan once again challed. The KDiamond Suit hit the river and Yang checked. After a moments thought, Phan bet 20,000.

Yang went into the tank, talking out the possibilities of the hand, but eventually announced a call. Phan revealed the QSpade SuitQClub Suit and Yang mucked.

Phan now sits with just over 200,000 in chips.

Player Tags: Andy Phan

Miller Eliminates Two

A very short stack moved all-in for roughly 1,500 and Sean Yu shoved over the top for 30,800 total.

“I call whatever that is,” said Devron Williams.

The short stack flipped up the AClub Suit10Heart Suit, Yu the ASpade SuitJDiamond Suit and Williams the QSpade SuitQHeart Suit.

The board ran out 8Club Suit6Diamond Suit5Spade SuitKHeart Suit2Diamond Suit, and Williams knocked out two opponents.


Level 11

Play has resumed with new blinds of 600 – 1,200 with a 200 ante for level 11.



Players are on a 10 minute break.

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