Taser Foundationby Roy Winston | Published: Nov 17, '09 |
I am off to Scottsdale for what should be a great event and a very interesting weekend. The Taser Foundation is a charity for the families of fallen police officers, being hosted by the company that makes the Taser. If you are in the area and are interested in attending here is the link to the schedule and who will be there: http://www.taserfoundation.org/sites/HoldEmForHeroes/Pages/default.aspx
Phil Hellmuth is the host of the event and is also the host of another event tomorrow night in New York: http://giving.chop.edu/site/PageServer?pagename=all_PokerHomepage
One of the “events” in Scottsdale, which will make this really interesting, and as many of you may recall, last year there was a lost longer bet between Brandon Cantu and Clonie Gowen during this event and the winner got to Taser the Loser. Clonie won, so Brandon is due to be Tasered at Kevin O’Donnell’s Restaurant in Scottsdale, http://www.kodonnellsrestaurant.com/ in front of a crowd this Thursday evening. We are talking about the Taser that shoots the two wires that stick into you, not the one where you are just touched with the end of it. At one point Clonie offered him a buy out, which Brandon declined. I was thinking Clonie could have a live charity auction for the right to Taser Brandon, with the proceeds going to the charity.