Chimp Attackby Lee Watkinson | Published: Mar 29, '09 |
I haven't been doing anything poker related, other than playing small tournaments on Fulltilt allday while working on various aspects of the jewelry line, since the Bay101 tournament. So I guess this is a good time to talk about what most everyone asks me about. What my thoughts on the recent chimp attack were.
The chimps that you probably visualize are just babies, that are easily trained and managed but they quickly become too strong and dangerous at about 6 or 7 yrs of age. They live into there 60's. After 6yrs they are ussually gotten rid of by their trainers.
Chimps have all the emotions as humans without the restraint, inhabition or level of reason that we have. They are also much more powerfull then even the strongest humans, with huge teeth and jaws more powerfull than many predators.
The most surprising thing to me is that the chimp had free run of the house for 15 years without an earlier incident. The two chimps we help care for here in vegas havent been out of their enclosure in a couple of years and they arent even 10 yrs old yet. It is just way to risky after they reach adolesence.
Timmi, myself and the woman who raised them since birth still go in and play with them on a daily basis. This is dangerous in itself but at this point we are still willing to do it because this "enrichment" is so important to the chimps and we are basicly there social group.
Chimps are considered the most dangerous animals in zoo's and human contact is very minimal.
Hopefully in the future we will find a place where we can build the chimps a small island habitat (they cant swim at all, so a 10 ft moat is sufficiant) and rescue more chimps that will form a new social group with them.