How Can You Hide Tells?by Alan Schoonmaker | Published: Oct 01, '10 |
Richenough asked, “What do you think is the best way to not show tells when you are involved in a big hand? Let’s say you don’t have any shades or cap on to hide your facial tics.”
The best authority on this subject is my friend, Tommy Angelo. You can get his ideas at his website,, and I highly recommend his book, The Element of Poker.
Tommy plays and recommends “Mum Poker.” He just doesn’t say or do ANYTHING.
Richenough mentioned facial tics. If you have such tics, it’s silly not to wear shades and a cap. It’s immeasurably easier to do so than to try to gain control over an involuntary (hence nearly uncontrollable) muscular reaction.
Some readers may be disappointed by my answer. Since I’m a psychologist, they naturally expect a better answer.
But virtually all licensed professionals are taught that our clients’ needs are more important than our own egos. They deserve the best advice, and we should understand, accept, and work within our own limitations. For example, your doctor has certainly referred you to other doctors. He almost certainly studied your illness or injury, but knows that another doctor is better for you.
Since Tommy is the best I know at this subject, I’m referring you to him.