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In Birmingham, AL

by Shannon Shorr |  Published: May 04, '07

I arrived in Birmingham, AL yesterday around 4 p.m. This was around 20 hours later than when I'd expected to arrive, considering I left Las Vegas at 4 p.m. PDT on Wednesday. I was in Phoenix for my connecting flight on Wednesday night when I picked up a newspaper in the airport and saw that game 5 of the PHX/LAL series was in Phoenix, 90 minutes away the time I picked up the paper. I promptly went to the desk at the airport and cancelled my flight to Birmingham. I caught a cab to a hotel nearby the arena and then headed over to try to buy a ticket. I ended up pwning a scalper for an 8th row, dead center court ticket in the lower level. He asked me to pay 400, but I'm not going to be pushed around. I told him the ticket was worth 300 at most, and he eventually tracked me down on and sold it to me a few minutes before the tip. I got in and saw the tip, had a few beers and had a lot of fun. I wish I wasn't by myself, but it was still sickkkkkk to see a playoff game from such good seats. The Suns won by 9 (I bet Lakers +11 for 300, scoop). I headed out early the next morning and made it into Birmingham later yesterday. I then went to The Birmingham Barons' (double A baseball team) game for the dollar beer night with my Mom, Sisters, and some other friends. I saw a lot of old faces and had a great time. I then headed down to Tuscaloosa to see my girlfiend. I'm back in Birmingham now and excited about going to the Schaeffer Eye Center Crawfish Boil tonight. Tonight's band lineup is Akon, Hinder, and Cheap Trick. It should be a lot of fun. If anyone is going, call my cell phone. SS

Shannon Shorr is a professional poker player from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He finished fourth in the Card Player 2006 Player of the Year race. You can follow his progress at

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