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robert07 at five diamond final table

by Shannon Shorr |  Published: Dec 18, '08

One of my longest and best friends in the industry, justin "robert07" young will play 6 handed tomorrow for a televised wpt title. He is easily the best pure nlhe player amongst an excellent cast of characters of evan mcniff, chino rheem, Amnon fillipi, Steve sung, and my fellow alabamian hoyt corkins. He'll have his work cutout for him as he enters 5th of 6th in chips. Adam Geyer and I are gonna drink a lot and sweat it tomorrow live in the conference room at Bellagio. I also have to sweat our gorgeous waitress from Fix showing up tomorrow bc I layed adam 45:1 against her showing up (100 vs 4500) despite her showing a lot of interest in sweating it.

Shannon Shorr is a professional poker player from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He finished fourth in the Card Player 2006 Player of the Year race. You can follow his progress at

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