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Chasing Rainbows at the WSOP

by Ciaran O'Leary |  Published: Jun 14, '09


We are now well into the 40th World Series of Poker at the Rio and the place is absolutely buzzing with everyone from the who’s who of poker in attendance along with the thousands of other poker enthusiasts, all with such high hopes in search of fame and fortune and titles galore.

Easier said than done my friends — given the fact that we’ve already seen close to 20,000 people pony up millions of dollars in hope of capturing one of these elusive titles — the sad but true reality is that only a mere handful of these people are walking tall with their bracelets while the remaining 99.9 percent of the masses are scratching their heads and wondering where it all went wrong!

After getting knocked out of one of the NL events when my Q-Q failed miserably to fight off the advances of my opponents A-Q for a big pot in the fifth round. I myself was making the walk of shame back up the hall way when I overheard a conversation of another player who was talking on the phone to his buddy venting franticly how he had played so well all day waiting for the right spot only to have his aces sent to the rail by this kid who decided that it was a good day to die with only a 9-3 off-suit! Poor bastard … I couldn’t help but feel for him. I told him he wasn’t alone. Such a sick game!

Indeed, to use the words from that great AC/DC song, “It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock ‘n’ roll!” But how we poker players love to rock ‘n’ roll!

Playing in the big leagues is not easy my friends. You can do absolutely everything right and still be bent over by an inferior player, and not make it to the promise land. And though it is little consolation to know that you played well and got your money in so good that you could almost taste victory, only to have your opponent catch lightning in a bottle, sending you to the bar.

The main event is only around the corner — Slurrp!

Ciaran Big C

Ciaran 'Big C' O'Leary has won his fair share of smaller tournaments over the years, but all that changed when he captured event number 3 at the 2007 World Series of Poker, winning (at the time) the biggest tournament in poker history outside of the 2005 & 2006 WSOP main events. Ciaran is a regular blogger for

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