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Back at Home, Why Leave Commerce?

by Roy Winston |  Published: Feb 04, '10


I am back at home after busting out of the Borgata. I began the second day with 66,600 in chips, which turned out to be an ominous number. I lost a couple of hands early against short stacks, all in pre-flop calls with KK and AK losing to AK and A 9, and there went half my chips. I then got lucky in a 6 way limp pot when I cracked aces with deuces, with the deuce coming on the river. I then lost a big pot with AQ on a QQ 10 flop, and of course he had Q 10. I guess it was pay back for the win with the deuces. I then was short but survived for a long while. A young player with a ton of chips was moved to the table and he was playing 2 out of 3 hands, so when he opened from the cut-off for 3 big blinds, I had about 12 big blinds and looked down at AQ suited and shoved. He insta-called and of course had AK. I did flop 4 to a flush, but it turned out to be only a tease, so home I went.

At the risk of being berated by some I will say it again, dollar for dollar it’s hard to find a better value than the events at The Borgata. I look forward to Tab’s next tournament series with eager anticipation.

This weekend I am headed for the ski slopes with my wife and parents in Western Massachusetts. It will be my first time skiing in a couple of years and although I can’t wait, I’m hoping to keep all bones and joints intact. Then it will be time for the Full Tilt FTOP’s, which should keep me pretty busy and allow me to spend the day with my new K9 and the night’s at home with my wife.

My next tournament stop will be Commerce in about ten days, which I am excited about attending. I have not been on the West Coast much since relocating to New York and will have some time to catch up with friends that I miss. The list of events at The Commerce should keep me pretty busy, it looks like a great action packed schedule, and with Matt Savage running the events I’m sure they will be excellent.

I keep getting asked about the new tour series being held at The Venetian right smack in the middle of The Commerce series. Although I like The Venetian poker room, I’m not leaving The Commerce. The main event also coincides with the WPT Invitational, which is a very fun event and the action at Commerce at that time is quite simply the best anywhere. For those of you who haven’t seen it, it’s hard to explain. My recommendation is when in Rome, stay in Rome, why go to Venice?

Roy Winston finished 16th in 2007 Card Player, Player of the Year race. He won the WPT Borgata Poker Open and finished the year with well over $2 million in tournament poker winnings. Roy plays online exclusively at Full Tilt. For more information on Roy Winston, you can visit his website: or send an email to: [email protected] with your questions or comments. The contents presented herein on this blog are purely the opinions of Roy Winston, and are not intended to reflect or promote the opinions of any other person, group, or entity. If you like what I write than thanks for reading, and if not well, thanks anyway.

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