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Congrats to the Mouth and Quick Swick

by Lee Watkinson |  Published: Jun 12, '08


Today I didn't play the noon No Limit event in order to make sure I was available for the 5pm $2500 Pot Limit Holdem/Pot Limit Omaha event. This is a perfect event for me. I used to play in a cash game that was this mix and find most people take time getting used to switching between the two. I also don't think very many people can play both games at a high level. Hopefully I am one of the exceptions.

I did wind up playing the 2-7 No Limit event the other day. I busted out of the $1500 shootout in about an hour and went home. I found an old unaired ESPN episode from the 2004 2-7 NL on pokertube watched it and thought it looked like a great game. So after watching that episode I headed back to the Rio for the 5pm start.

It was a fun tournament and the game seems like one of the best pure poker games there are. I hope to play more of it soon. I lasted till late in day one off of my origional buy in and one add-on. Fatigue and inexperience were definately factors in my not doing better.

Mike Matusow won the event with the help of his new good luck piece, a Hardcore Elegance dogtag he hasn't taken of in months while winnging millions. I played with him at my first table and watched a little of his final table. Mike is on top of his game now. I think getting in shape has been very good for his game. It was a well deserved win.

Also finally got a chance to watch the Tivo of last weekends UFC, where Fulltilter Mike Swick established himself in the welterweight title picture with a convincing beating of Marcus Davis who was on an 11 fight win streak. Look for Mike to play in the WSOP on June 15th or 16th. Although he is quick to tell people he plays with on Fulltilt he is only a rookie poker player, he cashed in the one event he played last year.

Ok time to go Mix it up at the Rio.

Lee Watkinson has accumulated nearly $4 million in tournament winnings over his career. His accomplishments include a World Series bracelet in the 2006 $10,000 pot-limit Omaha event and an eighth-place finish in the 2007 WSOP main event. Lee is a Full Tilt Pro and uses his poker winnings to help a chimpanzee rescue charity. Learn more about Lee at his website,

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