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Aussie J Mucks Laptop...Take 2

by Shannon Shorr |  Published: Aug 09, '07

Long-time readers have to remember last summer when I blogged about our roommate Aussie J hurling his laptop into the pool at the house. Well, he's done it again. Two nights ago Aussie was outside smoking a cigarette and playing Cody in chess online. He was so tilted after Cody had him drawing dead after like 8 moves. Aussie proceeded to chunk his laptop into the hot tub this time. Unfortunately I wasn't awake to witness it this time, but I can only imagine that it was very funny.

Aside from that, the Wolbach twin sisters who Stephanie and I knew from college are in town. They also brought two other girls with them. On Tuesday night 8 of us went to Pure at Caesar's. Somehow we back doored our way into the stone nut table right next to the dance floor. We all got incoherent and got to sleep around 5 a.m. I woke up feeling like death around 8 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep. I laid around for about 10 hours and then played some online tournaments. I cashed in the first FTOPS event but not for much playing under my old "BLUFFforRENT" name. I also cashed in the 300 dollar tournament on Stars. Things were looking great with 110 players left by I lost a big pot to my friend Nick "ahh_snap" with KK vs AK aipf to get crippled. Happens. I really feel like I'm turning a corner again in tournament poker. I've been really focusing during these online tournaments, and I look forward to testing myself in Los Angeles in the live tournaments next week. Namely, I am playing more aggressive in the middle stages of tournaments. Looking back on my career, it seems I employed this strategy for most of the time I was successful in late 2006. Sometime in early 2007 I decided I was going to start to play Phil Hellmuth type small-ball, almost never putting in reraises PF in position in tournaments, and it just hasn't worked out.

It's Thursday now and I've been very productive already, and it's only 4 p.m. I woke up around 9 a.m. after falling asleep early last night. Stephanie and I went to the gym, the grocery store, and then I went to hit some balls at Badlands Golf Club up near out house. I hit the new irons well but struggled with the woods. That's to be expected, I think. Hopefully the tournaments go well tonight. I anticipate going to LA on Saturday night after the FTOPS, no matter how late that may be.


Shannon Shorr is a professional poker player from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He finished fourth in the Card Player 2006 Player of the Year race. You can follow his progress at

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