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I'm still alive.

by Shannon Shorr |  Published: Apr 13, '09

I guess it's been a month since I updated. I'm not sure how many people are actually reading this right now since it's only at (I imagine most readers have bookmarked instead), and it's also not feeding to Cardplayer at the moment. My webpage should be ready in, like, a month? I just kind of wasn't motivated to write given those circumstances. It's entirely my fault that it's still not complete. It could've been done as early as December, but alas there were some things that I needed to do that I'm just now working on. Please note that this blog layout is just temporary, the updated page at won't be nearly as boring. In the three weeks since I've returned from Spring Break in Austin, TX I've mostly been just going to classes in Tuscaloosa. My Dad and I took a really great weekend trip to central Florida to check out a weekend's worth of spring training baseball games. That was a really good time as we caught 4 great games in 4 different cities in three days. We caught the Braves in Orlando, the Yankees in Tampa, the Pirates in Bradenton, and the Reds in Sarasota. I spent another weekend in Birmingham as my sister Heather had a stock-the-bar party for her upcoming wedding in June. Aside from that, I've been playing a significant amount of poker. Pokerstars had it's first annual SCOOP (Spring Championship of Online Poker). It was a very expensive tournament series and fuck if I didn't play and run terribly, losing around $50,000 on the series. I got off to a hot start in 2009, but things have kind of gone to hell and I'm only a slight winner on the year at this point. Still, that is better than being stuck. It's would be unfair for me to beat myself up over not performing in the, like, 15 large tournaments I played during the SCOOP. So, I'm not going to. The fact that it was such an expensive series made it a little hard to sleep after all was said and done last night though. Obviously, that's kind of the time you want to run hot. Luckily, the hard work I've put in playing poker professionally over the last 3.33 years has provided me the bankroll needed to play the series, airball it, and not really even sweat it from a bankroll standpoint. I will get a chance to redeem myself later this week at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. The $25,000 WPT Five Star main event will be taking place, and I'll be in attendance. I already have a seat in the event after winning an event at Bellagio last July. Bellagio just places you in the event instead of giving you $25,000, so I'm not freerolling as one might expect from "winning a seat". Still, it's nice not to have to fork up 25 dimes at the cashier cage. To this point in my career,my results on the World Poker Tour have been disappointing. I've cashed just thrice in my 26 appearances. This would be a nice one to turn it around in. There are only a few weeks of school left. I'll be glad when the semester is over. Regretfully, I haven't studied as hard this semester as I did last semester. Still, I think I'll post atleast a 3.3 GPA or something depending upon how my final tests go. I kind of knew this was gonna happen at some point though. I'm very proud of myself for sticking it out though. I have to take one class online this summer and then will return for the fall of 2009 and spring of 2010. Again though, I'm enjoying myself and not gonna wish it away too quickly. Thanks for reading. SS

Shannon Shorr is a professional poker player from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He finished fourth in the Card Player 2006 Player of the Year race. You can follow his progress at

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