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Out of Event #22

by Shannon Shorr |  Published: Jun 13, '07

Just busted from the 5000 dollar NLHE event around 120th of the 640 entrants. 63 will get paid. This tournament was nuts because I was never, ever above 18000 in chips (we started with 10) but managed to make it fairly deep. I dug myself in a hole early and was at 3500 at one point in the second hour at my original table that included Young Phan and several unknowns. I grinded back to 5500 at the first break and then got moved to a table with Eric Froehlich, Eric Seidel, online player, Young Phan again, and eventually David Pham. I blinded down to 5100 again but then doubled with QQ against 22 when a guy made a very incorrect call against me PF. I limped into the dinner break with 10900 with the average around 26000. My Mom, Stephanie and I ate dinner at Sao Paulo cafe at Rio. I came back from dinner and doubled up about 20 minutes into the level. A player raised to 2400 in the cutoff at 400/800 and I found KTdd in the SB and decided to stop and go. The flop came J75 with one diamond, and I moved in for 5000 exactly and the guy tanked for one minute and called. I said, "You win," and he said, "Not yet..." and showed me 64hh. I faded his 14 outs and K high was good enough to double me up. The blinds eventually moved up to 6/1200 and I got moved to a new table with JohnnyBax, Clonie Gowen, John Gale and David Matthew. I hung on for dear life with around 8 big blinds at this table for 40 minutes. I picked up the BB and then our table broke yet again. I limped into a new table with Mike Mizrachi to my left and and Kathy Liebert to my right. There was also some really annoying, loud, guy singing to my immediate right, so I didn't mind if I busted at this point. In the SB at this table I had 13500 in chips and mig opened for 3500 at 8/1600 in the cutoff. I am about 99% certain he still thought the blind level was 6/1200, because he hadn't made such a small raise in the hours I'd played with him. I found 4h4d and decided to jump in for 10000 more with a little fold equity. Mizrachi folded and mig called with J9cc after some thought. The flop came 973 all spades, and the turn and river were bricks to send me to the rail after a long day of finishing outside the money. Tomorrow is a 5000 dollar event at Bellagio. I will not be playing anything tomorrow at the WSOP, as there is only a PLO and stud event. I'm 1 for 9 cashing in this year's WSOP.


Shannon Shorr is a professional poker player from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He finished fourth in the Card Player 2006 Player of the Year race. You can follow his progress at

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