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No days Off

by Matt Affleck |  Published: Apr 17, '11



This idea was inspired by my good friend Tony Dunst and his workout / diet / poker program called No Days Off. His blog can be found @

Plan and simple this is a 6 week program for me leading up to the WSOP. It will run April 18-May31. For this 6 week period my main objectives everyday are to play poker and get in shape through a good diet and strong workouts.

My main goals are

Poker – Play a shitload of hours and make $35,000 during this time
Weight loss – I weighed in at 223.5 and myy goal is to get below 210 by the end.

My blog will be starting from Day 6 cause I just decided to start blogging about this. Expect to see updates on Poker, nutrition , and my workouts. I will be posting hand histories from tournaments etc we will just see how this goes. Sort of winging this blog.

Matt Affleck is a 24-year-old professional poker player living in Seattle, Washington. Follow his full blog and updates at You can also follow him on Twitter @McmattoPoker where he constantly updates about tournaments, motivation and being hustled by Matt Savage at golf.

Any views or opinions expressed in this blog are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the ownership or management of
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