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Hi from the Serenade of the Seas - Part 2

by Linda Johnson |  Published: Apr 16, '14


Today is day four of the pre-cruise. I am eager for our cruisers to join me on Saturday so the poker games can begin! The first three days passed by quickly. I sleep much better at sea than anywhere else, so I’ve spent a lot of time in my cabin.

The entertainment on the ship is good, though it is different on every cruise. The cruise director John, is one of the best in the business. There is a cinema on the ship that seats 73 and features the same movie four times a day. On day two, I saw White House Down and on day three, ET was the feature. There are the traditional activities on the ship like the bellyflop contest, trivia, name that tune, game shows, health seminars, etc.

The dining room is excellent, and the service has been very efficient and quick. If you prefer to wear shorts for dinner, you can go to the Windjammer buffet. There you will have plenty of food to choose from and can take as much or as little as you want. Room service is complimentary except between the hours of midnight and 5am when there is a nominal fee of $3.95. We also have food for our guests in the poker room too!

I went to the Captain’s reception on day two. He informed us that the Serenade of the Seas is 965 feet long, 170 feet tall, and was built in Germany in 2003. There are 2,390 guests sailing this week from 34 nations. Americans are the most populous on board with a total of 2,031.

Here are some tips to make any voyage better:
1. If you have a tendency to get motion sickness, they have free seasick pills at the Front Desk. I take one every morning then have no problems at all. BTW, the sailing has been very smooth.

2. Bring a sweater, sweatshirt, or lightweight jacket with you. There are some areas of the ship that get cold.

3. Wash your hands often. It is a good way to prevent the spread of disease.

4. Bring some $1 and $5 bills with you. The service on the ship is excellent. The servers don’t expect tips, but it sure is fun to see the smiles on their faces when you hand them a token of appreciation.

5. The music in the Centrum is beautiful. Be sure to take a few minutes during your day to enjoy this treat.

Linda Johnson
Card Player Cruises

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