Barney Frank Reacts to Online Poker CrackdownCongressmen Has Harsh Words for Federal Indictments |
Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) had some harsh words for Friday’s government crackdown on the major online poker sites. In an interview with The Hill, Frank called the indictments “an incredible waste of resources.”
Using witty poker lingo, Frank said the feds were “protecting the public from the scourge of inside straights,” and that the government should “go after the people responsible for empty houses, not full houses.” Frank made it clear that he didn’t endorse violating the law, but he thinks law enforcement should be working on other things.
Frank has been a long-time supporter of legalized and regulated internet poker in the United States. In March, Frank, with the help of fellow Congressmen John Campbell (R-CA), introduced a new online poker bill that was very similar to the one that failed to make its way through the legislature last year.
If enacted, the new bill will set up a federally licensed and regulated framework for online gambling and would introduce safeguards to stop minors from gaining access to the gaming sites. There is also language in the bill to suggest provisions that will combat cheating and fraud, as well as protect against money laundering and tax evasion. Frank told The Hill that he hopes the recent events in the online poker industry will help push his legislation forward.