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15 Percent Of U.K. Gambles Online: Report

Industry There Has Grown To $3.14 Billion Per Year


A recent article by the The Independent entitled “Addiction soars as online gambling hits £2bn mark” notes that out of 62 million people in Britain, about nine million will gamble on the Internet — presumably at least once — in 2013.

That’s nearly 15 percent of the population, which creates a $3.14-billion industry.

The figure comes despite Britain, like the rest of Europe, enduring a poor economy.

According to a recent report from the American Gaming Association, the United States has a $4-billion-a-year Internet gambling market, despite the activity not being legal.

Though, the U.S. has more than 311 million people.

Some jurisdictions in the U.S. are looking to open up the industry like Britain did, though they desperately want to form partnerships with other states for web poker liquidity.