New Comedy Novel Revenge Of The Cheesesteak Combines Poker, Golf And BrawlingDeemohaus Announces Launch Of New Book and Album |
We all love our poker and a new book, Revenge of the Cheesesteak, takes the comedy trip to the next level with a combination of golf, trash talking, brawling and a little poker.
As Deemo so elequently states, regarding Revenge of the Cheesesteak on its website:
Without my Queen Hauser’s anti-inspiration, I never would’ve made it to the back nine, let alone all the way to the 18th hole to putt an end on this mighty fine piece of tale. After the first few days of hastily writing most of this book during my lunch breaks during a very cold, bleak winter week in December 2012, more and more the words flowed forth with all the manic intensity of Medusa’s menstrual cycle or more symbolically appropriately spewed forth with all the pent up force of a cumshot finally freed from a monk’s balls after mercifully ending a year long vow of chastity. I soon realized that there could be no turning back – the text took on a life of its own.
Deemo, who legally changed his name to one word, “Deemo” and began the incredibly disturbing habit of referring to himself in third person, has many talents besides golfing. He is a musician, keyboardist and songwriter. He has written, produced and performed his first album, “Life in Deemohaus.” Just today during final edits he spewed forth one of the countless Deemoisms that seem to come out of anywhere when asked why he didn’t want to play cover songs anymore.
The new album, described as rock, symphony, dance and truth, can be purchased on iTunes or Amazon.
To learn more about the book and the album, go here.