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Poker Dominates Cell Phones

Poker Game Titles Top Best Seller Lists


There are hundreds of games people can download onto their cell phones to play, but there's one type of game that's dominating the cell market: Poker.

According to Telephia's Deck Monitoring Report, which measures how well mobile games are doing, more than 20 percent of the top deck slots across the major carriers are occupied by poker game titles.

In February and March, the top four carriers in the U.S., Cingular, Verizon, Sprint Nextel, and T-Mobile, each had at least two different poker titles on their top 15 best seller lists, and three out of the four carriers had at least one poker title in their "featured" deck.

Card and casino games represent 17 percent of the total revenue share for mobile games with an average price paid of $3.85 per game in January. Puzzle and strategy games performed best in January, generating 29 percent of the revenues for mobile games.

Telephia is a company that keeps track of trends and statistics for the mobile phone industry. The Deck Monitoring Report keeps track of what games cell phone users are buying and playing.