The 300 Club
Jan 19, '18
Here’s a look at the players who have managed to cross the 300,000 mark.
Scott Patch — 320,000
Johnny Gomez — 315,000
David Levy — 310,000
David McLaughlin — 305,000
Player Tags: Stephen Patch
Steve Patch Doubles Up
Jan 19, '18
After a series of raises, Steve Patch found himself all in for 26,425 preflop with JJ against the AK of his opponent, who had him covered.
The flop came down J62, giving Patch top set, but the Q on the turn gave his opponent a lot more outs. Patch needed to avoid a diamond or a ten to stay alive, and the 2 on the river was exactly the card to do it.
Patch now has just over 54,000 in chips.
Player Tags: Stephen Patch
Steve Patch Busts Andreas Ramadanis
Jan 21, '18
Andreas Ramadanis raised all-in for about 300,000 and Steve Patch reshoved behind him to isolate. Ramadanis had AQ and was flipping against Patch and his pocket jacks.
The board ran out J9294 and Ramadanis was eliminated. Patch now has 840,000.
Player Tags: Andreas Ramadanis, Stephen Patch