Master Lynch Eliminated 9th ($12,205)
Apr 12, '15
Master Lynch open-shoved for his last 255,000 from middle position and Chan Pelton called from his left.
Lynch showed KQ and Pelton tabled A9. The board ran out J938A and Lynch was eliminated.
Player Tags: Chan Pelton, Mstr Lynch
Brant Hale Doubles Through Master Lynch
Apr 12, '15
Master Lynch raised to 105,000 from middle position and Miguel Hernandez called from the button. Brant Hale shoved for 580,000 and Lynch moved all in over the top to isolate. Hernandez folded and the hands were tabled.
Lynch = 88
Hale = KK
The board = Q103Q7
Hale doubled and Lynch was down to about 380,000 after the hand.
Player Tags: Brant Hale, Mstr Lynch
Paul Phillips Doubles Through Master Lynch
Apr 12, '15
Master Lynch raised under-the-gun and Paul Phillips moved all in from the button. Lynch called and it was a race for Phillips’ tournament life with his AK flipping with Lynch’s 99.
Phillips was all in for 320,000 and the dealer spread a board of J74K5 and Phillips turned a pair to stay alive and double up to 700,000. Lynch slid to 650,000 after the hand.
Player Tags: Paul Phillips, Mstr Lynch
Master Gets in a Pre-Dinner Check-Raise
Apr 12, '15
Brant Hale raised to 56,000 from the cutoff and Master Lynch called from the small blind and Gary Luther defended his big blind. They saw a flop of 1052 and action checked to Hale, who bet 100,000. Lynch check-raised to 325,000 and Luther quickly got out of the way.
Hale sat motionless for a few moments before letting go of his hand. The dealer pushed the pot to Lynch, who chipped up to 1.4 million as the players are a few minutes from dinner break.
Player Tags: Mstr Lynch