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New Year's Poker Q and A -- Lex Veldhuis

On Day 1 Of 2011 Card Player Looks Back On How 2010 Went For Some Of Poker’s Biggest Names


Card Player caught up with some of the big names on the international poker circuit to find out about their best moments, best hands, and even their worst moments of 2010.

On the first day of 2011, it’s Team PokerStars Pro player Lex Veldhuis turn to look back on his 2010, and forward to the year ahead.

Rebecca McAdam: How was your 2010?

Lex Veldhuis: My 2010 was very exciting. I played a lot of big games and entered the realm of the mixed games. Learning a lot of new stuff, so I feel like a novice again.

RM: Poker-wise, was it an up or down year?

LV: Unfortunately, it was a down year.

RM: What was your best moment of the year?

LV: Best moment of the year was winning the Dutch Open in November and becoming champion of Holland. One of my best friends came in second, which is pretty amazing.

RM: Worst moment of the year?

LV: Poker-wise I have to say the end of the WSOP. I gave it my all, but it didn’t really happen this summer. I was bummed out about that.

RM: Best hand of 2010?

LV: [Laughs] I don’t remember an exact hand, I do remember some but they would be way too braggy.

RM: Was there anything major you learned about your game?

LV: I mostly learned to switch gears more in live games. I had some stretches in tournaments and cash games where I played very tight for long periods of time. I was never able to do that. Also I’m learning a lot about other forms of poker, my favorite being crazy pineapple hi/lo.

RM: Have you any New Year’s resolutions?

LV: I have become a much more healthy person this year, and my new year’s resolution would kind of be to keep doing that. I’m also happy with what I’m doing with poker now. I guess I want to play a little more online.

RM: Have you any goals for this year?

LV: Win a major/crush a Pokerstars Big Game session…

RM: What are you looking forward to the most this year?

LV: I’m looking forward the most to new Big Game tapings, and the WSOP.

RM: Have you any predictions for the New Year?

LV: It’s impossible to make any predictions on achievements, I can say I’ll be all over the place ⎯ tournaments, cash games, live and online.