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Viktor Blom Can't Find Any Traction

Phil Ivey Wins $500K from Kagome Kagome on Sunday


Viktor Blom

Viktor “Isildur1” Blom has really had a hard time getting anything going since reemerging onto the poker scene a few months ago.

This past week Blom and fellow high stakes regular Scott “urnotindangr” Palmer did some super deepstacked battle at $25-$50 pot-limit Omaha on PokerStars.

The largest hand the duo played in the last seven days was a massive 3,000-big-blind pot. The action started when Palmer raised to $150 with the KClub Suit 9Club Suit 8Heart Suit 5Diamond Suit. Blom three-bet to $450 holding the QDiamond Suit 9Spade Suit 7Heart Suit 5Heart Suit, and Palmer then four-bet to $1,350. Blom called, and the flop came 9Heart Suit 7Club Suit 4Spade Suit. Blom checked, and Palmer bet $1,650. Blom check-raised to $7,650, and Palmer called.

The turn brought the 6Heart Suit, giving Blom a straight flush draw to go along with his top two pair (his opponent held the 8Heart Suit), but it improved Palmer to a straight. According to Card Player’s Omaha Odds Calculator, Palmer’s hand holds up 65 percent of the time on the turn.

Blom checked, and Palmer fired $15,600. Blom called, and the 4Club Suit hit the river. Blom elected to bet $49,200, which almost put his opponent all in. Palmer called with his straight, leaving himself only about $1,700 behind. Blom tabled his inferior nines and sevens, and Palmer raked in the $147,500 pot.

Blom lost more than $100,000 to Palmer during the weekend session and another six-figures to his American opponent on Tuesday in a brief 400-hand match. While Blom lost about $300,000 to Palmer in the past week, he was able to partially offset the defeats with a $150,000 win against Ilari “Ilari FIN” Sahamies a few days ago.

Phil Ivey

Altogether, Blom has been up and down constantly since December, and he currently sits in the black only about $80,000 since joining PokerStars.

Over at Full Tilt Poker on Sunday, Phil Ivey managed to take Kagome Kagome for nearly $500,000 at $3,000-$6,000 limit hold’em. With the win, Ivey climbs into the black on the year, while the young German is down nearly $1 million so far in 2011. Perhaps more importantly, Ivey’s win nearly erases all of his lifetime losses versus Kagome Kagome.

Also on Full Tilt, Matt Hawrilenko has been crushing the limit deuce-to-seven triple draw games recently. Hawrilenko is up about $1 million this year, nearly all of which has came in the past week.

Limit 2-7 TD on Feb. 23

Be sure to check back at on Friday for more high-stakes coverage!