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Californians Supportive of Regulating Online Poker

Majority of CA Residents Support Regulating and Taxing the Profits of Online Poker to Solve State's $25 Billion Budget Problem


This week the California Nations Indian Gaming Association (CNIGA), the largest of its kind in the state, announced its support of Senate Bill 40, which would legalize, regulate, and tax online poker, according to a article.

The article goes on to state about 66 percent of Californians support regulating and taxing the profits of online poker to solve the state’s $25 billion budget deficit. 76 percent of poll respondents believe that those who are already licensed in California should be the ones eligible to operate online poker.

“Today, more than two million Californians play poker online,” State Sen. Lou Correa, D-Santa Ana, who sponsored the bill, wrote in a recent article. “Each year, Californians wager $13 billion playing unregulated online poker. However, none of this money stays in California. The money leaves our state to support illegal, offshore interests.”