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CoinPoker Cash Game World Championship: 'Pr0digy' Takes The Lead

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We’re at the halfway point of the Cash Game World Championship at CoinPoker, and ‘Pr0digy’ currently leads with a hefty $250k profit.

With one exception where he made a booked a modest loss of around $1.4k, ‘Pr0digy’ has finished with a profit every session since Day 10. At the end of Day 16, he had a $75k lead over second-place ‘MunEZStaRR’ who is up $175k. Swiss pro Linus Loeliger has also bounced back from a rough stretch and is currently up $139k to remain in contention.

In its continued effort to become one of the best online poker sites around, CoinPoker has been posting full-length recaps daily, which are well worth checking out if you have the time. You can also see the biggest hands from the week with commentary from both ‘SeaLlama’ and current leader ‘Pr0digy’ below:

Pocket aces against AClub SuitKHeart Suit with a king-high flop may sound like a cooler instead of an interesting spot, but it was great to get insight from one of the players involved in the hand – especially when he bet a single big blind on the river. (It turns out it wasn’t a misclick, and was aimed to induce a raise.)

‘AbsoluteTopUp’ called a big overbet on the turn of a JSpade Suit10Heart Suit8Club Suit4Club Suit board holding 9Spade Suit9Heart Suit, then bravely called when ‘riggedeck’ moved all in on the KHeart Suit river, flipping over 9Club Suit 5Club Suit for a busted straight and flush draw. A well-earned $36k pot and evidence of why he’s held one of the top leaderboard spots throughout the contest.

KevinPaque Goes Bluff Crazy

KevinPaque bluffs with king high

‘DKaladjurdjevic’ was recently tipped as a potential CGWC winner, but was forced to make a massive (and costly) laydown with ADiamond Suit10Diamond Suit. The flop was a dream – 10Heart Suit10Spade Suit3Heart Suit – and he had no problems leading then calling the reraise from ‘KevinPaque.’ The turn was the 6Spade Suit, which he check-called.

The river came 4Spade Suit. ‘Kaladjurdjevic’ led with a protective bet of $1.6k into the $6.2k pot, and was met with an all in for his remaining $5.2k. He made an extremely disciplined laydown, then saw the bad news as ‘KevinPaque’ flipped over KClub SuitJDiamond Suit for king high, no draw.

It wasn’t the only sick bluff from ‘KevinPaque,’ who currently sits in third on the overall leaderboard. In another hand, he jammed nearly $10k on the river with AClub Suit2Diamond Suit on a 9Diamond Suit6Club Suit2Spade Suit7Heart Suit9Spade Suit board. ‘DaniiVasilev’ found the call with pocket eights. Then, in a three-way pot, he again tried the river bluff with pocket threes on the KHeart Suit6Diamond Suit2Club Suit10Spade Suit4Heart Suit board – and this time, he got it through.

‘LLinusLL0ve’ was the outright favorite at the start of the CGWC, but faltered after a strong opening couple of days and was in the red for most of the first week. However, his fortunes have started to change. He enjoyed a +$37k swing on Day 15 which took him back to nearly +$32k overall, then added an extra $108,000 over the next 24 hours, launching him into the top four.

Of course, it helps when you flop a full house with pocket aces, and your opponent turns and rivers an inferior boat. That’s exactly what happened between ‘LLinusLL0ve’ and ‘BeppeBergomi,’ leading to an easy $21.5k pot for the high-stakes expert. But that was just one of many major pots which went Loeliger’s way.

Kayhan Mokri calls with just an ace

‘KayhanMok,’ aka Kayhan Mokri, was in the hole for $71k at the end of Day 16, while ‘riggedeck’ was up by six figures. But that didn’t stop the back-to-back EPT Barcelona Super High Roller champion from pulling off an amazing call for nearly $25k.

Holding AClub Suit9Club Suit, ‘KayhanMok’ faced an overbet shove on the river for $10.3k into a $4k pot. The board was JDiamond SuitJHeart Suit8Club Suit4Club Suit4Diamond Suit, leaving him with just an ace kicker to accompany the jacks and fours. Nonetheless, he accurately read his opponent and made the call, beating 7Club Suit6Club Suit to scoop the pot.

Latest CGWC Leaderboard

Here’s how the players ranked at the end of Day 16:

Position Username Profit/Loss
1 PR0DIGY $249.940,04
2 MunEZStaRR $174.900,13
3 KevinPaque $168.027,18
4 LLinusLL0ve $139.920,47
5 AbsoluteTopUp $109.395,50
6 riggedeck $106.768,25
7 iWasOnly17 $96.597,91
8 DaniilVasilev $78.197,02
9 XIAOJUN7777777 $57.152,25
10 youseffahmed $45.547,61
11 Stambolov $41.515,77
12 ChrisNguyen $25.421,92
13 PetrKnopp $23.769,52
14 JoeAdams $8.372,57
15 asianflushie $5.486,09
16 TaistoJanter $1.518,75
17 Schyllae -$1.149,85
18 AlexTrevallion -$1.409,65
19 Freenachos -$2.079,47
20 JSchusteritsch -$4.917,88
21 DarrellGoh -$11.850,77
22 asHagg -$15.273,35
23 BeppeBergomi -$15.401,14
24 Ohhimark18 -$17.986,14
25 DavyJones922 -$18.283,10
26 Doblou -$18.532,07
27 DKaladjurdjevic -$28.497,66
28 SeaLlama -$43.619,80
29 NaoufelSmires -$47.094,97
30 MattMarinelli -$65.151,28
31 KayhanMok -$71.272,88
32 Stefan11122 -$72.674,03
33 Brownballa55 -$78.789,99
34 D13SEL -$91.697,97
35 therock123 -$106.615,39
36 jasamgale -$136.329,69
37 TDuthweiler -$221.545,86
38 CD9K -$237.622,02

How to Watch

Here’s how you can watch the latest CGWC action:

Games at CoinPoker takes place using Tether (USDT), which has the same value as USD. That means, if you’re watching a ₮10,000 pot, it’s effectively a $10,000 pot.

Find out more about the Cash Game World Championship.