William Hill Poker Revenue Up Seven PercentUK Bookmaker’s Joint Venture With Playtech Delivers Higher Poker Revenue |
British bookmaker William Hill today announced poker revenue grew seven percent in 2011.
The company did not publish a figure for total poker revenue but William Hill Online, the company’s joint venture with Playtech, made an operating profit of €106.8 million up 17 percent on 2010.
The company said in its statement, “William Hill Online delivered an outstanding performance again in 2011, recording a second consecutive year of revenue growth of greater than 20%. Net revenue was 28% higher and Operating profit1 was 17% higher, reflecting additional marketing investment and employee costs.”
“Within gaming, all verticals grew net revenue, with Playtech Casino up 8%, Vegas Casino games up 54%, Bingo up 19% and Poker 7% higher.”