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Gambling Business: Slot Machine Plan For Long Island

In Addition To New Casinos, Slot Machine Idea Pitched By Lawmakers


The state of New York could be home to more casinos – properties of the commercial variety, not tribal which the Empire State already has – and one of the items being discussed is the possibility of a slot machine parlor on Long Island, CBS reported.

New York State Senator Dean Skelos (R-Rockville Centre) reportedly confirmed a proposal Tuesday that could bring slot machines to Long Island under Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s plan.

The governor wants three Las Vegas-style joints upstate, but others want some gambling closer to Manhattan, which could be a highly lucrative market. Casino giants like MGM Resorts International would love a casino in New York City, but that appears impossible under the current discussions.

Cuomo is looking to bring more revenue to the state and create jobs.

There was also talk of the New York Mets wanting a brick-and-mortar casino.

If part of the expanded gambling plan, Long Island could be home to 2,000 new slots.

In addition to the brick-and-mortar gambling, some in the state briefly flirted with the idea of legalizing Internet gambling, most notably poker. However that plan didn’t amount to much. It will be left up for a different year.

If lawmakers approved any gambling initiative it would also have to be approved by voters.

For more news from New York, check out its state page.

Tags: New York,   Slots,   Poker Business