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Card Player Poker Tour: Patrick Clarke Wins 2014 Paddy Power Poker Irish Open

Clarke Also Won the Sole Survivor Bonus for an Additional €50,000 and Entry Into the 2015 Irish Open


Patrick Clarke was not just the Sole Survivor of the Card Player Poker Tour 2014 Paddy Power Poker Irish Open – he was the lone survivor.

“It means the world to win this event. It’s a dream to win this event. I can’t believe it. It hasn’t sunk in yet,” Clarke said.

Clarke bested a field of 411 players over four days to become the most recent name added to the Irish Open’s list of winners, thus cementing his place in Irish poker history as part of the one of the most storied tournaments world-wide.

“I’ve been playing for a while but I haven’t had a big, massive score like this before, so this will maybe put me on the map a wee bit more,” Clarke said. “I felt it was coming for a long time, a lot of people had said before to me that it was going to happen, so I’m just glad it did on the big stage here.”

Not only did Clarke take home €200,000 ($276,380) and become the next champion on the CPPT leaderboard, the Irishman won the Paddy Power Poker Sole Survivor promotion for an additional €50,000 ($69,095) and entry into the 2015 Irish Open.

Five of the final nine players in the I_rish Open_ were Sole Survivors, a competition aimed at all players who satellited into the event through Paddy Power Poker. The Sole Survivors were tracked throughout the tournament and the final six were awarded entry into the 2015 Irish Open.

Dave Pollock

Ian Simpson, the 2013 winner, was also a recipient of the Sole Survivor tournament entry and cash prize. Simpson won the Sole Survivor promotion in 2012 and made great use of his awarded entry in 2013 by winning the Irish Open.

The heads-up battle came down to two Sole Survivors – Clarke and Dave Pollock – before the prestigious title finally went to Clarke. The final hand of the night began when, with the board reading KSpade Suit7Spade Suit2Heart Suit, Clarke checked, Pollack bet 350,000, Clarke raised to 800,000 and Pollock moved all-in. Clarke called and the hands were tabled. Clarke showed KDiamond Suit8Diamond Suit and Pollock was well at risk with QSpade Suit7Club Suit. The 4Heart Suit on the turn and the JHeart Suit on the river brought the 2014 Irish Open to an end.

Pollock received €130,500 ($180,338) for his runner-up finish.

Players returned for the final day nine-handed and with the elimination of Dutchman Antoine Smits, the official final table began. Smits had been short-stacked most of day 3 and was the only player to start the final day with less than 1 million in chips. Smits had a mere 510,000 when he moved all-in from middle position following a 110,000 raise from Patrick Clarke who was under the gun. Action quickly folded around to Clarke, who called with pocket queens and was ahead of Smits’ pocket tens. Smits found no helpful cards on the board and left with €13,350 ($18,448).

The first bustout of the official final table was Sole Survivor Englishman Jonathan Lundy, meaning that an Irishman was guaranteed to take down the prestigious title. Lundy moved his last 850,000 into the center and Clarke called. Lundy was in terrible shape with AClub SuitKSpade Suit against Clarke’s ASpade SuitAHeart Suit and never found the needed cards on a 9Diamond Suit7Spade Suit5Heart Suit8Club Suit3Spade Suit board. Lundy made his exit with €19,250 ($26,256) for his efforts.

Following Lundy to the rail was Sole Survivor Barry Donovan, who nearly walked away with 14th place money on day 3 when there was a mix-up with a chopped pot. Neither Donovan, the dealer or Liam Chevalier – who had been the winner of the hand – noticed the hand should have in fact been chopped. Donovan was making his exit when Thomas O’Shea and Lundy spoke up. The hand was recreated and Donovan returned to his seat.

Barry Donovan

But the Dubliner’s tournament came to an end for good when he moved all-in with KClub SuitKSpade Suit on a JClub Suit10Club Suit9Club Suit flop. Clarke called with 10Diamond Suit10Heart Suit and the board completed 3Heart Suit4Spade Suit to end Donovan’s tournament once and for all to the tune of €26,500 ($36,620).

Solve Survivor Michael Gilligan was next, finishing sixth for €38,500 ($53,203). Gilligan was down to about 530,000 and shoved from the hijack with QClub Suit10Club Suit. Clarke called from the cutoff with AClub Suit8Heart Suit and picked up a pair of aces on an As6c4c flop. Gilligan’s fate was sealed when the dealer peeled off 5Heart SuitJHeart Suit.

The Cork-Man, as they called him, Oliver Lynch from Cork, soon followed. Lynch got the last of his chips in with AHeart SuitKSpade Suit and was called by O’Shea with JSpade Suit10Spade Suit. A board of 10Club Suit6Diamond Suit5Diamond Suit5Spade SuitQSpade Suit meant the chips went to O’Shea and the Cork-Man left to collect €54,500 ($75,314).

After several double-ups and what the announcers called a ‘rocky ride’ O’Shea became the fourth place finisher at the hands of Clarke. O’Shea was all in with QClub Suit9Club Suit, Clarke called with AHeart SuitTClub Suit and the board ran out JSpade Suit2Club Suit3Diamond Suit6Heart Suit8Heart Suit. O’Shea collected €73,800 ($101,984) for his deep run.

Chevalier made his exit when he ran his 4Heart Suit4Club Suit into the 8Spade Suit8Diamond Suit of Clarke. The hand began when Chevalier raised to 240,000 from the button and Clarke three-bet to 725,000 from the small blind. Chevalier quietly said he was all-in and Clarke called. Chevalier found no fours, no clubs and not enough hearts to stay alive as the board ran out. Chevalier left the Irish Open with €97,500 ($134,735).

Card Player Poker Tour Paddy Power Poker Irish Open Final Table Results

Patrick Clarke €200,000 ($276,380)
Dave Pollock €130,500 ($180,338)
Liam Chevalier €97,500 ($134,735)
Thomas O’Shea €73,800 ($101,984)
Oliver Lynch €54,500 ($75,314)
Michael Gilligan €38,500 ($53,203)
Barry Donovan €26,500 ($36,620)
Jonathan Lundy €19,250 ($26,256)