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Gus Hansen Invests In New Bridge Technology

Danish Poker Pro Deepens Interest In Card Game


Hansen playing bridge, via FullTilt.comGus Hansen is known to be a world-class competitor in more than just poker, and now the Danish poker pro has invested in technology that will apparently take competitive bridge playing to the next level.

According to, Hansen has put money into a new device called Bridge + Dealer, which will debut at the Copenhagen Bridge Invitational this weekend.

Hansen and his partner won the event in 2010.

The report indicated that the device offers a way to analyze the best bridge players by seeing how different teams play the same cards. Perhaps more so than poker, bridge really depends on the quality of what you are dealt, so being able to take out the “luck” factor is apparently of great interest to competitive bridge players and fans.

“So it is not about getting good cards, but about getting the most out of the cards you are dealt,” the report explained. “This means that although the couple sitting north-south have bad cards, they can still get all the points if they get a plug more than all the others who sits north-south.”

Bridge is a four-person card game that involves taking “tricks” to score points.

Tags: Gus Hansen,   Bridge