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H2H Combat Now Available on Card Player TV

The Videos Can Be Found Under 'Strategy' and 'Online Poker' Channels

Print-icon's Hand 2 Hand Combat, featuring animated hands and commentary from the hottest Internet pros playing today, has moved.

The videos, which used to have their own landing page, now can be found on Card Player TV, located here.

The videos can be found under both the Online Zone and Strategy channels on the page. The entire archive is up and more videos will be added periodically. Writer Craig Tapscott interviewed the players, who interpret their play in important hands, and the videos are made by the folks over at Poker fans should check out that site fore even more poker instructional videos.

H2H Combat features Brian Townsend, Jason Laso, Adam Levy, Jordan Morgan, Sorel Mizzi, Todd Arnold, and others. The hands featured are all hands that can be difficult to play for average poker players. The pros talk the hands through and explain why they make the moves that they made.

Again, please click here to view Card Player TV and the H2H Combat videos.