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Video Featuring Lederer and D'Amato now Available

The Two Talk About New Gambling Legislation


Alfonse D'Amato, former senator and chairman of the Poker Player's Alliance, along with poker professional Howard Lederer, discuss Barney Frank's new bill that would help legalize and regulate online poker in the United States in a video released today on Card Player TV.

D'Amato served in Congress as senator from New York from 1980 to 1999 and recently took a position with the PPA to lobby his former colleagues on the issues of poker legality. An avid poker player, D'Amato is working to bring the battle for poker to the frontlines.

He has recently become known to the poker community for his stance on the new legislation against online poker. Since becoming involved with the PPA, the membership grew from 60,000 to over 428,000, thanks to the media boost and his familiar face.

Both D'Amato and Lederer talked with Card Player's Allyn Jaffrey Shulman about poker legality, Barney Frank's new act that would legalize and regulate online gambling in the United States, and why online poker should be legalized here.

Like D'Amato, Lederer is becoming a face of the PPA and for legalization of online poker in America. Lederer talks about Frank's bill and how it would affect everything from sports leagues to states rights. Lederer is always a compelling speaker, and what he has to say on this issue is worth the 10 minutes viewing the video.

To view the report, click here or type into your browser.

Kristy Arnett contributed to this report.