PPA Releases Presidential Candidate GuideEncourages Members to Contact the Campaigns |
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The Poker Players Alliance released a Presidential candidate guide based on voting records and moral stances of those now trying to claim their party’s nomination for President of the United States.
But because there is a void of information when it comes to the candidate’s stances on gambling issues, the PPA encourages its members to contact the campaigns directly. The PPA says this will also show the campaigns that there is a group of citizens out there willing to fight for the right to gamble and play poker in their own homes.
The guide the PPA recently sent to its members helps give them an idea where the current crop of Presidential candidates stand on the issue of online gambling. Here’s what the PPA has to say about the frontrunners of both the Democrat and Republican parties:
Hillary Clinton
The two-term senator from New York won the New Hampshire Democratic primary. She has recently expressed that she supports the industry’s position: to study Internet gambling to see whether it can be fairly regulated so that individuals can safely participate in it and American businesses can compete in the international market (Las Vegas Sun, 01/18/08). When contacting the campaign, be sure to let them know you are an undecided voter and a proud poker player.
Contact her campaign through: www.hillaryclinton.com/help/contact/
John Edwards
The former Senator from North Carolina has recently expressed that he opposes legalization of internet gaming, doubting it can be controlled (Las Vegas Sun, 01/18/08). When contacting the campaign, be sure to let them know you are an undecided voter and a proud poker player.
Contact his campaign through: www.johnedwards.com/about/contact/form/
Barack Obama
The senator is from Illinois and winner of the Iowa Democratic caucus. Obama has recently expressed that he worries that the Internet is "a Wild West of illegal activity", and supports a study of Internet gambling and supports regulation to address the worst abuses (Las Vegas Sun, 01/18/08). He is reputed to be a good player, and doesn't mind letting it be known that he enjoys playing poker for money. These stories are even on his own website. When contacting the campaign, be sure to let them know you are an undecided voter and a proud poker player.
Contact his campaign through: my.barackobama.com/page/content/contact/
Rudy Giuliani
The former two-term mayor of New York City has a long record as a social moderate, and he has made some pro-gaming statements. However, he also zealously enforced gaming laws in New York City. During the primary campaign, Giuliani has moved decidedly to the right in an effort to woo support from social conservatives, who generally oppose gaming of any sort. Nonetheless, we urge you to contact the Giuliani campaign and ask whether he has a formal position. Be sure to let them know you're an undecided voter and a proud poker player.
Contact his campaign thorugh: www.joinrudy2008.com/contact/
Mike Huckabee
Republican Iowa caucus winner and former Arkansas governor, Mike Huckabee does have a clear position OPPOSING Internet Poker. Mike Huckabee responded to the National Coalition Against Legalized Gambling's questionnaire (the only candidate to respond, by the way). In it, he promised to veto any legislation repealing UIGEA or otherwise clearly legalizing online gaming.
Here is the question he was asked, complete with its bias and inaccuracies:
1) Last year, Congress voted overwhelming to criminalize most forms of Internet gambling. This year some members of Congress are promoting legislation to legalize Internet gambling. If such legislation passed, would you veto it? Huckabee answered "yes". That's about as clear as it gets.
John McCain
The New Hampshire Republican primary winner does not have a specific position on Internet poker, but does appear to have been influenced by his fellow Arizona Senator Jon Kyl, who is a vigorous opponent of our rights. McCain, however, has always been willing to consider both sides of an issue and may simply need to know how strongly PPA members feel about this issue. We encourage you to contact his campaign and ask whether he has a specific position, and of course, to let them know you are an undecided voter and a proud poker player.
Contact his campaign through: www.johnmccain.com/Contact/
Ron Paul
In keeping with his Libertarian philosophy, Congressman Paul is a proud supporter of our cause. Rep. Paul has supported and sponsored pro-poker legislation, and has also made time to visit with PPA grassroots members, poker celebrities, and citizens lobbyists every time we have asked. His credentials on allowing adults the freedom to play poker are unblemished.
Mitt Romney
The former governor of Massachusetts has no formal position on internet poker. However, he - like Giuliani - has contorted his issue positions wildly in a bid to gain support from social conservatives. As part of that effort, Romney tapped Tom Coates, Vice President, Truth About Gambling, Iowa, to his "Faith and Values Steering Committee." Coates, in turn, is vigorously opposed to gaming of any sort. We urge you to contact the Romney campaign, and ask whether the candidate has a specific position. As always, be sure to tell them you're an undecided voter and a proud poker player.
Contact his campaign through: www.mittromney.com/ContactUs
Fred Thompson
The former senator from Tennessee has no formal position. He is often described as a "Goldwater/Reagan conservative", and thus believes in limited government. In his voting record, he has typically been hesitant to empower the federal government to control issues that traditionally belong to the states - although there are, of course, some exceptions to the rule. We urge you to contact the Thompson campaign and ask whether the candidate has a specific position. Be sure to tell them you're an undecided voter, and a proud poker player.
Contact his campaign through: www.fred08.com/Contact/Contact.aspx