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The Venetian Announces 2009 Poker Tournaments

There Will be Four Deep Stack Extravangza Tourneys in 2009


The Venetian will hold four Deep Stack Extravaganza tournaments in 2009.The Deep Stack Extravaganza is back.

The Venetian will hold four tournament series in 2009 after a very successful 2008 campaign saw hundreds of players flood the poker room with a couple hundred dollars and a dream.

The first DSE series of 2009 will kick off Monday, Feb. 2, with the first of 17 $330 buy-in events. According to the schedule, there will be four $550 tournaments and two $1,070 tournaments, all in no-limit hold’em.

For the $330 buy-in events, each player receives 12,000 in chips after a $10 staff bonus. For the $550 and $1,070 buy-in events, each player starts with 15,000 in chips, and for the $2,500 main event, each player begins with 20,000 in chips.

While the vast majority of the $330 tournaments are hold’em, the Venetian will feature an Omaha eight-or-better tournament on Feb. 8, a H.O.R.S.E. tournament on Feb. 15, and a pot-limit Omaha tournament on Feb. 21. Each of those three Sunday tournaments will have a $330 buy-in and will start at 4 p.m, as opposed to the normal 12 p.m. starting time.

The main event will begin Feb. 23.

The most recent Deep Stack Extravaganza, in November, attracted 233 entrants for its main event, generating a prize pool of more than $500,000. Ulises Roman, J.J. Liu, and Nicholas Sliwinksi all made a deal at the final table, and the players took home $115,760, $110,492, and $98,610, respectively.

While the Las Vegas casino has been open for nearly 10 years, the Venetian’s new poker room has only been open for about three years. But that hasn’t stopped the casino from earning itself a reputation as one of the best and most comfortable places to play on The Strip.
There will also be a DSE series from April 1-25, June 1-July 15, and November 1-25.