Level 22 Update: Ismael Bojang Out 8th, Rick Fuller Out 7th, Brent Keller Out 6th
Jun 20, '13
Level: 22
Limits: 12,000-24,000 with a 3,000 ante
Players Remaining: 5 out of 301
Average Chip Count: 370,500
Chip Counts:
Seat 3: Sebastian Pauli – 140,000
Seat 4: Jim Wheatley – 460,000
Seat 5: Ivan Schertzer – 65,000
Seat 6: David Bach – 455,000
Seat 7: Bryan Campanello – 681,000
Players Eliminated:
8th: Ismael Bojang – $17,235
7th: Rick Fuller – $22,351
6th: Brent Keller – $29,369
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Ismael Bojang Eliminated in Eighth Place ($17,235)
Rick Fuller completed and Brent Keller called. Ismael Bojang also called and Sebastian Pauli raised. Fuller folded and Keller and Bojang called. Keller bet on fourth street and Bojang raised all in for 16,000. Pauli called, Keller raised, and Pauli called.
Keller bet fifth street and Pauli got out of the way. By the end of the hand Keller held a 8-6-4-3-2 and Bojang mucked his cards. Bojang was eliminated in eighth place and Keller was up to 355,000.

Rick Fuller
Rick Fuller Eliminated in Seventh Place ($22,351)
Rick Fuller completed and Brent Keller raised. Fuller raised all in and Keller called. The cards ran out and Keller made a 9-6-5-3-A to top the 9-7-5-4-2 of Fuller. Keller held 130,000 after the hand and Fuller was eliminated seventh place.
Brent Keller Eliminated in Sixth Place ($29,369)
Brent Keller moved all in on fourth street and Ivan Schertzer called. By the end of the hand Schertzer held 10-6-4-3-A, which was enough to eliminate Keller in sixth place. Schertzer was around 100,000 after the hand.
Player Tags: Rick Fuller, Brent Keller, Ismael Bojang