Level 22 Update: Matthew Ashton Out 7th, Gary Benson Out 6th, Frank Kassela Out 5th
Jun 14, '13
Level: 22
Limits: 12,000-24,000 with a 3,000 ante
Players Remaining: 4 out of 246
Average Chip Count: 461,250
Chip Counts:
Seat 1: David Chiu – 165,000
Seat 2: Michael Mizrachi – 212,000
Seat 3: Freddie Ellis – 520,000
Seat 8: Scott Seiver – 885,000
Players Eliminated:
7th: Matthew Ashton – $18,266
6th: Gary Benson – $24,003
5th: Frank Kassela – $31,978
Live Updates:

Matthew Ashton
Matthew Ashton Eliminated in Seventh Place ($18,266)
Scott Seiver completed and Freddie Ellis called. Matthew Ashton called all in for 17,000 and then Seiver opened the action again on fourth street. Ellis called and on fifth street it was Ellis who bet. Seiver called and the action reversed once again on sixth street. Seiver bet first but Ellis raised to 48,000 Seiver called and then both live players checked on seventh street.
Ellis showed the winning hand of (5
) 5
) and Seiver mucked. Ashton could only muster two pair and that was behind the trip fives of Ellis. Ashton was out in seventh place and Ellis was close to 500,000.
Gary Benson Eliminated in Sixth Place ($24,003)
Freddie Ellis completed and Gary Benson raised. Ellis called and on fourth street Ellis bet. Benson called all in for 4,000 and he was already behind the trip tens of Ellis when they revealed their first four cards. Benson wasn’t able to catch Ellis’ (10
) 10
). Benson was out in sixth place and Ellis continued to build his stack.

Frank Kassela
Frank Kassela Eliminated in Fifth Place ($31,978)
Frank Kassela completed and Scott Seiver raised. Kassela called and then checked on fourth street. Seiver bet and Kassela called. Kassela bet 24,000 on fifth street and Seiver called. Kassela moved all in for 13,000 on sixth street and Seiver called once more. Here is how things looked after seventh street.
Seiver: (10
) 5
Kassela: (A
) 6
Kassela was eliminated in fifth place thanks to Seiver’s two pair and Seiver was over 900,000 after the hand.
Player Tags: Frank Kassela, Gary Benson, Freddie Ellis, Scott Seiver, Matthew Ashton