Alex Ziskin Doubles Through Alan Franco
Aug 18, '23
Alex Ziskin raised to 5,000 from the button, Alan Franco three-bet to 16,500 from the small blind, Ziskin four-bet shoved for 51,500, and Franco called.
Ziskin: AK
Franco: QQ
The board came down K10864, giving Ziskin a pair of kings to double up.
Alex Ziskin – 108,000
Alan Franco – 216,000
Player Tags: Alan Franco
Jeffrey Davoud Eliminated by Alan Franco
Aug 18, '23
Jeffrey Davoud raised to 4,500 from UTG+1, David Gallimore called on the button, and Alan Franco called in the big blind.
The flop was 632, Franco checked, Davoud continued for 7,500, Gallimore folded, and Franco called.
The turn was the 5, Franco checked, Davoud bet his remaining 21,500, and Franco called with 22 for a set of deuces, leading Davoud’s K8.
The river was the K, not enough help to Davoud, locking up the pot for Franco.
Alan Franco – 143,000
Jeffrey Davoud – Eliminated
Player Tags: Alan Franco, Jeffrey Davoud
Jason May Eliminated in 17th Place ($3,245)
Aug 20, '23
Jason May raised all in for 20,000 from the cutoff, Alan Franco called in the small blind, and Jeffrey Davoud called in the big blind.
Franco and Davoud checked down a board of Q84K5, and Franco showed Q10 for a pair of queens.
Davoud mucked, while May showed a defeated 96 to bust in 17th place.
Franco proceeded to draw the final $10,000 bounty. Both the $50,000 and $25,000 bounty remain.
Alan Franco – 620,000
Jason May – Eliminated in 17th Place ($3,245)
Player Tags: Alan Franco, Jason May
Alan Franco Doubles Through Ben Scrogins
Aug 20, '23
Ben Scrogins raised to 10,000 from the hijack, Alan Franco three-bet to 28,000 from the big blind, Scrogins four-bet shoved with a covering stack, and Franco called all in for 109,000.
Scrogins: KK
Franco: AA
The board ran out Q8629, safe for Franco to double up.
Alan Franco – 227,000
Ben Scrogins – 173,000
Player Tags: Alan Franco, Benjamin Scrogins
Alan Franco Eliminated in 7th Place ($12,014)
Aug 21, '23
Tyler Chen raised to 85,000 from under the gun, Alan Franco three-bet shoved for 725,000 from the cutoff, and Chen called with a slightly covering stack.
Chen: QQ
Franco: AK
The board came 64229, no help to Franco, ending his tournament in seventh place for $12,014, along with the $10,000 bounty he drew on day 2.
Tyler Chen – 1,590,000
Alan Franco – Eliminated in 7th Place ($12,014)
Chen proceeded to pull one of the two remaining $500 bounties.
Player Tags: Alan Franco