Christian Harder Forced To Fold
Apr 19, '10
A player limped in early position and Cliff Josephy limped behind in the hijack. Christian Harder then limped on the button and Hsiang Hsieh checked his option from the big blind.
The flop came down J
and the original limper bet 2,500. Josephy folded and both Harder and Hsieh made the call.
The turn was the 9
and it was checked to Harder, who bet 7,300. Hsieh then moved all in for his 34,000 on top and Harder went into the tank. After about two minutes, Harder folded 9
, two pair and a flush draw. Hsieh took the pot and Harder took a hit down to 175,000 in chips.
Player Tags: Christian Harder, Hsiang Hsieh