Level 23: Dilyan Kovachev Eliminated in 9th Place ($31,360)
Jun 19, '11
Blinds: 10,000-20,000
Players Remaining: 8 out of 685
Average Chip Count: 770,625
Chip Counts:
1. Christian Harder – 1,520,000
2. Ben Lamb – 1,050,000
3. Adam Junglen – 1,010,000
4. Austin Scott – 610,000
5. Sam Stein – 465,000
6. Zimnan Ziyard – 460,000
7. Brock Parker – 370,000
8. Warren Fund – 292,000
9th. Dilyan Kovachev – $31,360

Dilyan Kovachev
Dilyan Kovachev Eliminated in 9th Place ($31,360)
Dilyan Kovachev came to the final table as the short stack and was the first one eliminated in 9th place. Austin Scott raised to 40,000 before the flop, Dilyan Kovachev three-bet the size of the pot, Scott reraised enough to put Kovachev all in and Kovachev called.
Kovachev: A
Scott: K
The board came 9
, giving Scott a flush on the turn. Scott raked the pot and Dilyan Kovachev was the first one to go in 9th place ($31,360).
Be sure to check back hourly for level-by-level updates of this final table.
Player Tags: Austin Scott, Dilyan Kovachev
Level 22: Barch 10th; Final Table Now Underway
Jun 19, '11
NOTE: Play resumed today at 4:00pm with 25 players, and with the elimination of John Barch in 10th place ($24,441), the official nine-handed final table is now underway.
Blinds: 8,000-16,000
Players Remaining: 9 out of 685
Average Chip Count: 685,000
Chip Counts:
1. Ben Lamb – 2,005,000
2. Christian Harder – 1,250,000
3. Adam Junglen – 818,000
4. Austin Scott – 670,000
5. Sam Stein – 635,000
6. Warren Fund – 625,000
7. Zimnan Ziyard – 500,000
8. Brock Parker – 362,000
9. Dilyan Kovachev – 195,000
1st. $420,802
2nd. $259,918
3rd. $184,368
4th. $132,623
5th. $96,737
6th. $71.548
7th. $53,633
8th. $40,748
9th. $31,360
Be sure to check back hourly for level-by-level updates of this final table.
Player Tags: John Barch, Brock Parker, Warren Fund, Austin Scott, Ben Lamb, Adam Junglen, Christian Harder, Dilyan Kovachev