Jun 08, '09 |
2009 40th Annual World Series of Poker |
Event 17 - $1,000 Ladies No-Limit Hold'em World Championship |
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End of Day 1
Jun 08, '09
Day 1 of the $1,000 NLH Ladies World Championship has come to end, with 146 ladies remaining out of the original 1,060 entrants. Only 117 women will cash in this event, with prizes ranging from $1,900 (117th) all the way up the grand prize of $195,390 (1st).
Players Left: 146 out of 1,060
Chip Leaders:
1. Tamara Tibbles — 129,700
2. Svetlana Gromenkova 62,800
3. Patty Zarosky — 51,000
4. Thuy Beltran — 49,000
5. Lisa Parsons — 46,300
6. Lauren Kling — 44,200
7. Anh Le — 40,000
8. Melissa Verrett — 39,000
9. J.J. Liu — 38,300
10. Brett Abarbanel — 35,500
Average Stack: 21,781
Defending champion, Svetlana Gromenkova remains in the field (currently in 2nd with 62,800), along with other notable pros such as Karina Jett, Eric Schoenberg, Maria Ho, Suzie Isaacs and J.J. Liu.
Some notable players that did not make it through the day include Amanda Leatherman, Evelyn Ng, Beth Shak, Shirley Williams, CardPlayer’s Kristy Arnett, Pam Brunson, Esther “E-Tay” Taylor, Sabyl Cohen-Landrum, Michelle Lau, Jena Delk, Wooka Kim, Lacey Jones, Amanda Baker, Liv Boeree, Nancy Todd Tyner, Marsha Wagoneer, Maureen Feduniak, Anna Wroblewski, Tiffany Michelle, and Kristy Gazes.
Play will resume on Day 2 at 2:00 pm PDT, so be sure to check back with CardPlayer.com for all of the action.
Player Tags: Svetlana Gromenkova
Jul 03, '08 |
2008 39th Annual World Series of Poker |
Event 54 - World Championship No-Limit Hold'em |
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$10,000 Main Event - Gromenkova On Top
Jul 03, '08
Blinds/Antes: 50-100
Chip Leaders:
Sevetlana Gromenkova: 49,500
Jose Luis Velador: 47,500
Dustin Dirksen: 37,000
Rocco Lazazzaro: 41,000
Dale Pinchot: 31,500
Freddy Deeb: 31,000
Alec Torelli: 22,000
Roy Winston: 21,000
Shannon Shorr: 18,000
Barry Shulman: 16,100
Big Hands:
Tom "Durrr" Dwan Doubles Up
On a flop of 8 7 5 , the player in seat 3 made a bet and Tom Dwan raised 900 more. Seat 3 went into the tank for a bit, asked Dwan how much he had left after the raise (9,300), and then went back into the tank for another minute or so before moving all in. Dwan isnta-called with 8 8 for top set while seat 3 showed 9 9 for the overpair. The turn and river brought the A and the J , no help to either player as Dwan doubles up to about 22,000. Dwan is black in the black!
Jason Alexander Doubles Up
On a flop of 9 6 3 , and with ESPN cameras in his face, Jason Alexander got it all in with 9 9 against his opponent in seat 4 who was holding 10 10 . Alexander flopped top set (nines) to seat 4's overpair (tens). The turn and river brought the 7 and A , no help to either player as Alexander eliminated one of his opponents and brought his chip count up to 36,000.
Svetlana Gromenkova, 2008 WSOP Ladies' Event champion, moved all in on a flop of 10 8 7 . Her opponent in seat 3 made the call and turned over 10 8 for top two pair on the flop. Gromenkova turned over J J for an overpair and a heart draw. "No heart!" the player in seat 3 shouted. It turned out a heart was the least of his worries as a 7 counterfeited seat 3's two pair. Gromenkova was in good shape and the A cemented the hand for her. She doubled up to almost 36,000.
Sowers Uses the Back Door
The player in seat 6 raised to 300 in late position and Mike Sowers made the call from the button. The flop came A K 6 and both players checked. The turn was the K and seat 6 bet 500. Sowers made the call and the 10 fell on the river. Seat 6 checked and Sowers bet 1,600, which his opponent called. Sowers then turned over Q J for a backdoor flush and raked in the pot. He was around 30,000 after the hand.
Smith Can't Get There
The player in seat 1 raised to 300 under the gun and action folded around to Gavin Smith in the big blind. He made the call and both players saw a flop of 10 5 8 . Smith checked and seat 1 bet 400. Smith made the call and the 6 showed up on the turn. Smith checked and called his opponent's bet of 1,200. The river was the 8 and Smith checked again. Seat 1 kept on the pressure, betting 2,500 and Smith had enough as he quickly mucked. His stack was back down to his original 20,000.
A Set for Stout
On a board of 10 7 7 , the player in seat 8 bet 600 and Matt "All In at 420" Stout made the call. The turn was the 5 and both players checked. The river was the K and Stout led out with 1,000. Seat 8 called and Stout turned over 7 6 for a set on the flop. Seat 8 mucked and Stout was around 22,000 after the hand.
Player Tags: Gavin Smith, Svetlana Gromenkova, Tom Dwan, Jason Alexander, Matt Stout, Mike Sowers
Jun 30, '08 |
2008 39th Annual World Series of Poker |
Event 51 - H.O.R.S.E. |
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$1,500 H.O.R.S.E - Level 10 - Hachem Climbs The Ranks
Jun 30, '08
Hold'em: 400-800
Omaha 8: 400-800
Razz: Ante 200, Bring-in 200, Completion 800
Stud: Ante 200, Bring-in 200, Completion 800
Stud 8: Ante 200, Bring-in 200, Completion 800
Players Left: 120 of 803
Chip Counts:
Victor Ramdin: 51,000
Steve Diano: 46,000
Mike Baxley: 41,000
David Gee: 38,000
Jens Voertmann: 38,000
Ed Tonnellier: 36,000
Chad Brown: 36,000
Phil Hellmuth: 36,000
Joe Hachem: 36,000
Tommy Hang: 36,000
Eliminations: AJ Fernandes
"The Joe Hachem"
Sitting in the big blind and facing a raise, Joe Hachem showed 7 3 and said, "If there was more money on the line I would've played it," in reference to the 7-3 he played on the final hand of the WSOP Main Event. "It's the Joe Hachem," another player said and the table laughed.
Omaha 8
Hachem's Flush Takes It
In a three-way pot action was checked to Joe Hachem on a flop of Q J 10 and he bet 800. Seat 5 called and the other opponent mucked. Seat 5 checked to Hachem again on the 5 turn and he bet 1,600. Seat 5 made the call and then led out when the Q fell on the river. The bet got in Hachem's head and he asked, "You have a full house?" Hachem flipped over A 9 K 2 for the nut flush and his opponent said, "Oh you have the nut flush?" and mucked. Hachem has been steadily climbing so far today and sits among the chip leaders with 36,000.
Matusow Loses Back-To-Back Pots in Razz
Mike Matusow bet every street and was called by the player in seat 5. But when Matusow bet the final card, seat 5 tanked then raised. Matusow talked through what the player could have and elected to fold, giving the big pot to his opponent. "I think I made the right fold," he said later. Their hands were:
Mike Matusow: A 8 6 4 (?-?-?)
Seat 5: 6 3 J 8 (?-?-?)
The following hand Matusow called a raise of 800 and called seat 6 all the way to seventh street, then mucked and showed his hand. Their cards were:
Matusow: 5 2 5 3 (3 4 K )
Seat 6: 2 6 4 10 (2 A K )
Gromenkova Gets There Fast
Svetlana Gromenkova has been on a roll so far today. After three-betting fifth street, she led out on sixth and seventh street and showed down with Phil Tom.
Gromenkova: A Q Q 10 (A Q 2 )
Tom: 7 8 9 10 (J J 8 (
Tom showed a straight, nearly a straight flush, but Gromenkova had a full house after fifth street and her big hand held, giving her the pot.
Player Tags: Mike Matusow, Joe Hachem, Svetlana Gromenkova
$1,500 H.O.R.S.E - Day 2 Begins
Jun 30, '08
Hold'em: 300-600
Omaha 8: 300-600
Razz: Ante 100, Bring-in 200, Completion 600
Stud: Ante 100, Bring-in 200, Completion 600
Stud 8: Ante 100, Bring-in 200, Completion 600
Players Left: 152 of 803
Chip Counts:
Joe Hachem: 39,000
Steven Diano: 38,200
Phil Hellmut: 38,000
Todd Ickow: 37,500
Chad Brown: 36,700
Tommy Hang: 36,000
Michael Craig: 35,000
Lonnie Heimowitz: 33,200
Ken Zeng: 32,500
Michelle Ankenman: 32,100
Eliminations: Victoria Coren, Brett Jungblut, Bryan Devonshire, Shannon Shorr, Brian Taylor, Dennis Thorn, Tim Debenport
Buss Rolls Over Opponent
L.A. Lakers owner Jerry Buss checked a flop of 8 7 5 and Tyler Isono bet 600. Buss made the call, and when the A hit on the turn Buss led out for 1,200. Isono made the call and both players checked the Q river. Buss turned over A 6 for a pair of aces and Isono mucked. Buss climbed to around 13,000 with the pot.
Showing Up The Boys
2008 WSOP bracelet winner Svetlana Gromenkova raised preflop and was called by Eric Arreca. The flop came K J 2 and Gromenkova bet 600. Arreca made the call and both players checked the 6 turn. They again checked the 8 on the river and Arreca showed A-10 for an ace-high. Gromenkova looked as if she might be beat, but upon seeing his A-10 she flipped over A-Q. The queen played and Gromenkova scooped the pot with a better ace high.
Omaha 8
From Down Under To The Top
Joe Hachem bet the flop and river on a board of K 10 5 Q J and was called by Keith Sexton. Hachem showed A K 7 2 and Sexton mucked. Hachem has climbed among the chip leaders with 39,000 in chips.
Hellmuth Has Arrived... And He's Already Upset
Phil Hellmuth started the hand off by smiling and asking John Juanda, "You got an 8 in the hole?" Juanda and Michael Baxley joined Hellmuth in the pot. The three players traded off betting, Juanda betting four street, Baxley betting fifth street and Hellmuth betting sixth street. Baxley bet the final card and Hellmuth made the call, but Juanda got out of the way. Their cards:
Hellmuth: 7 9 6 8 (x-x-x)
Baxley: 4 5 2 9 ( 6 A 2 )
Juanda: 6 2 Q 2 - Muck
Hellmuth clinched his fist and mucked, then began to talk about how bad players were in this tournament before telling Baxley in that Hellmuth-like tone, "Nice hit buddy." Even after the hand Hellmuth remained among the chip leaders.
Gromenkova Picks Off Jett
Gromenkova was also active in the razz round, narrowly taking a pot from Chip Jett. Their cards were:
Gromenkova: A-9-10-9 (6-5-2)
Jett: 7-8-9-5 (A-x-x)
Gromenkova showed 9-6-5-2-A for her low, and Jett could only shake his head as he showed 9-8-7-5-A for a worse 9-low.
Cunningham Bets Out Opponent
Allen Cunninghan called his opponent's bet on fourth street, then led out on fifth and again on sixth to make his opponent fold. Their cards were:
Cunningham: 2 3 Q (X-X)
Opponent: 3 6 6 -Muck
Cunningham took the pot and chipped up to around 14,000.
Player Tags: Eric Arreca, Jerry Buss, Allen Cunningham, Chip Jett, Phil Hellmuth, Keith Sexton, Joe Hachem, Svetlana Gromenkova, European Report
Jun 19, '08 |
2008 39th Annual World Series of Poker |
Event 36 - No-Limit Hold'em |
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$1,500 NLH - Level 5
Jun 19, '08
Blinds: 150-300 with a 25 ante
Players Remaining: 770 of 2,447
Average Chip Stack: 9,534
Chip Counts:
Nancy Todd Tyner: 27,000
Julie Le: 23,5000
Shannon Shorr: 21,000
Svetlana Gromenkova: 20,000
Thierry van den Berg: 20,000
Craig Gray: 19,200
Vivek Rajkumar: 18,000
Dustin Dirksen: 18,000
Scott Montgomery: 16,500
Alex Jacob: 15,000
Big Hands:
The Lady Who Ran Over The Table
Action was folded around to the small blind occupied by Svetlana Gromenkova, winner of this year's WSOP Ladies No-Limit Hold'em Championship. She put in a raise to 950, only to have the player in the big blind shove for 6,175 total. Gromenkova apparently had a good read on her opponent because it didn't take long for her to call and show A 3 . Her opponent showed K Q and the board ran 8 7 3 7 5 to give Gromenkova a big pot and send her opponent to the door. Gromenkova is approaching 20,000 in chips.
Lindgren is Ready to Gamble
Erick Lindgren raised to 850 preflop and was called by the player in the small blind. The flop came Q 5 2 and after the small blind checked, Lindgren shoved his remaining 2,675 into the pot. The small blind rechecked his cards and took a while to think his decision over. He eventually mucked and Lindgren chipped up to around 4,500.
An Odd Chop
Shannon Shorr raised preflop and was called by the player in seat 10. The flop of Q J 9 was checked by both players. The turn was the 10 and both players checked again. On the 5 river Shorr bet out 1,500 and was instantly called by seat 10. Shorr showed 8-8 for the straight and his opponent showed he had called Shorr's preflop raise with just 8-7 and had hit the same straight. The pot was chopped and Shorr had around 20,000 at the end of the level.
Anthony Meeker raised to 925 from under the gun and seat 7 reraised all in for 6,050. Meeker had the player covered and went into the tank. Meeker asked his opponent if he'd show and eventually decided to wait for a better spot and folded. His opponent decided not to show his cards. Meeker still had around 15,000 after the hand.
Player Tags: Erick Lindgren, Svetlana Gromenkova, Shannon Shorr, Anthony Meeker