Jan 08, '23 |
CPPT XI - DeepStack Extravaganza |
$1,600 CPPT No-Limit Hold'em $500K GTD |
4 |
+ |
Jordan Cristos Eliminated in 17th Place by John Phan
Jan 08, '23
 Jordan Cristos Jordan Cristos got all in preflop for 50,000 from early position, John Phan called to cover him from middle position, and Mike Holtz raised to 175,000 behind him. Phan called before the flop was dealt 8  7  5  .
Phan moved all in for 400,000, and Holtz folded. The two remaining players then revealed their cards.
Phan: 10 8
Cristos: A 4
Turn and River: 2 5
Cristos was eliminated in 17th place, good for $6,763, and Phan stacked up 725,00 after collecting the pot.
John Phan – 900,000 (22 bb)
Jordan Cristos – Eliminated in 17th Place ($6,763)
Player Tags: John Phan, Jordan Cristos
Jordan Cristos Doubles Through Kathy Liebert
Jan 08, '23
Jordan Cristos was all in for a short stack with A Q in the hole from late position, and Kathy Liebert had him covered holding 7 6 under the gun.
The board ran out J 9 8 K J , and Cristos doubled up to survive with 315,000, and Liebert was still cruising as one of the chip leaders with 2.46 million after the hand.
Jordan Cristos – 315,000 (12 bb)
Kathy Liebert – 2,460,000 (98 bb)
Player Tags: Kathy Liebert, Jordan Cristos
Nov 17, '22 |
CPPT X - DeepStack Extravaganza |
$2,500 CPPT No-Limit Hold'em $750,000 GTD |
1 |
+ |
Cristos' Shove Gets Through
Nov 17, '22
 Jordan Cristos A player in middle position opened with a raise to 1,000 and the hijack made the call. The small blind three-bet to 4,200 and Jordan Cristos slid out a stack of blue 5,000 chips and announced all-in. It quickly folded back around to the small blind, who tanked a bit before releasing his hand.
Cristos dragged the pot without showdown and chipped up to 58,700.
Player Tags: Jordan Cristos
Feb 22, '21 |
CPPT IX - DeepStack Extravaganza I |
$2,500 No-Limit Hold'em CPPT Main Event $500K GTD |
4 |
+ |
Jordan Cristos Eliminated After Doubling TK Miles
Feb 22, '21
 Jordan Cristos We didn’t see the preflop action, but TK Miles was all in holding K  K  against the pocket queens of Jordan Cristos.
The board fell J 7 5 2 8 , and the dealer started counting out the stacks. When the dust settled, Miles doubled for his last 708,000, while Cristos was left with just 127,000, or five big blinds.
He was eliminated a few hands later when his A 5 was outdrawn by Asher Conniff’s J 9 .
Player Tags: Timothy Miles, Jordan Cristos, Asher Conniff
Jul 18, '19 |
CPPT VII - DeepStack Championship Poker Series |
$5,000 CPPT Main Event No-Limit Hold'em $2 Million GTD |
3 |
+ |
Jordan Cristos Makes A Tough Call To Double
Jul 18, '19
 Jordan Cristos Jordan Cristos limped in, as did Ryan Tosoc behind him. The button then raised to 5,500, and the small blind then jammed all-in.
Cristos, who was sitting on a stack of 38,000, opted to call off his stack, getting the players behind him to fold. Cristos showed 10 10 , which was well ahead of the small blind’s 8 8 .
The board ran out 7 5 4 K 10 and Cristos doubled up to about 86,000.
Player Tags: Jordan Cristos
Dec 15, '18 |
CPPT VI - DeepStack Showdown |
$3,500 No-Limit Hold'em $500K GTD |
2 |
+ |
Jordan Cristos Lays It Down Against Bruce Kramer's Aces
Dec 15, '18
Jordan Cristos raised to 3,500 from the cutoff and Bruce Kramer three-bet to 11,900 from the big blind. Cristos called, and the flop came down 8 7 4 .
Kramer checked, and Cristos bet 9,000. Kramer quickly moved all in for about 55,000, and Cirstos went into the tank. After about a minute, he folded, and Kramer was nice enough to reveal A A .
Kramer is now up to 90,000, while Cristos is still healthy with 145,000.
Player Tags: Bruce Kramer, Jordan Cristos
Oct 21, '18 |
CPPT VI - The Bicycle Casino |
$1,100 No-Limit Hold'em Quantum $500K GTD |
5 |
+ |
Jordan Cristos Scores A Knockout
Oct 20, '18
 Jordan Cristos On a flop of Q  Q  6  , a player was all-in holding pocket tens and quickly called by Jordan Cristos and his K  Q  for trips.
The turn and river fell 4 8 and Cristos scooped the pot to bring his stack to 425,000 while his opponent hit the rail just shy of the money.
Player Tags: Jordan Cristos
Jordan Cristos Eliminated In 14th Place ($6,355)
Oct 21, '18
 Jordan Cristos Jordan Cristos was all-in preflop with the A  J  and called by Brandon Zuidema, who held the Q  Q  .
There was no sweat as the Q Q 6 4 J runout saw Zuidema flop quads right off the bat to lock up the pot.
Cristos earned $6,355 as the 14th place finisher while Zuidema chipped up to 3,900,000.
Player Tags: Jordan Cristos
Oct 20, '18 |
CPPT VI - The Bicycle Casino |
$1,100 No-Limit Hold'em Quantum $500K GTD |
4 |
+ |
Jordan Cristos Scores A Knockout
Oct 20, '18
 Jordan Cristos On a flop of Q  Q  6  , a player was all-in holding pocket tens and quickly called by Jordan Cristos and his K  Q  for trips.
The turn and river fell 4 8 and Cristos scooped the pot to bring his stack to 425,000 while his opponent hit the rail just shy of the money.
Player Tags: Jordan Cristos
Jordan Cristos Eliminated In 14th Place ($6,355)
Oct 21, '18
 Jordan Cristos Jordan Cristos was all-in preflop with the A  J  and called by Brandon Zuidema, who held the Q  Q  .
There was no sweat as the Q Q 6 4 J runout saw Zuidema flop quads right off the bat to lock up the pot.
Cristos earned $6,355 as the 14th place finisher while Zuidema chipped up to 3,900,000.
Player Tags: Jordan Cristos
Oct 13, '15 |
CPPT III - Big Poker Oktober |
$1,100 No-Limit Hold'em |
4 |
+ |
Jordan Cristos Busts One With Dramatic Runout
Oct 13, '15
 Jordan Cristos We arrived to find Jordan Cristos and an opponent all-in with a flop of K  10  9  .
Cristos had the K 9 for top two and his opponent had the Q Q .
The turn brought the J drawing a fistpump from the player with the pocket queens. Their straight was only the best hand until the K spiked the river, giving Cristos a full house.
Player Tags: Jordan Cristos
Cristos Wins With Kings and Tens
Oct 13, '15
From the button, Nicholas Voyatzis made is 11,000 and Jordan Cristos called from the big blind. After seeing 10 7 3 on the flop, both players checked. The turn was the 4 and Cristos bet 12,000. Voyatzis called and the river was the K . Cristos bet 42,500 and Voyatzis tanked a few moments before calling.
Cristos showed K 10 for two pair and took the pot.
Player Tags: Nick Voyatzis, Jordan Cristos
Oct 14, '14 |
CPPT II - Big Poker Oktober |
$1,100 No-Limit Hold'em |
4 |
+ |
Oct 13, '14 |
CPPT II - Big Poker Oktober |
$1,100 No-Limit Hold'em |
3 |
+ |